Chapter 42: Success!

“Did you know tater twisters originated in China?” Luke asked, twirling a dart in his hand.

“Yeah, I knew that. I had them at the Chinese market one time.”

Hallie looked around the office. Classic European paintings hung on the walls, along with a couple of dart boards. Luke flung the dart, and it landed just a little off the bull’s eye.

“I’ve really got to invest in those things. They’re so tasty.”

“Are you just talking about tater twisters as a stalling tactic?” Hallie inquired.

“Stalling? Why would I be stalling?” His fingers drummed on the edge of his desk. Perhaps he was more nervous than he wanted to admit.

“Because you still haven’t apologized to me.”

“I also have a desk catapult,” he bragged. He put an eraser onto the small device, which looked like a miniature replica of a medieval catapult, and flung it across the room. “Do you want to try?”

Hallie just glared at him.