Chapter 44: Secret Skills

“Well, I’m ready to go,” Hallie said.

Suddenly, Luke realized he was staring. He couldn’t help himself, completely stunned by her beauty. The red velvet gown hugged every curve of her figure perfectly, leaving him at a loss for words.

“Yeah…” Luke said, still unable to take his eyes off her. “Miss Santer did a good job choosing your wardrobe.”

“It wasn’t Miss Santer,” Hallie’s friend, a gorgeous brunette, jumped into the conversation. “Just so you know, the dress Miss Santer picked out was hideous. She compromised her professional integrity just to make Hallie look bad.”

“I guess you found another dress…” Luke said, still in a bit of a daze.

“Yeah, I don’t need Miss Santer to choose for me,” Hallie said.

“I won’t be picking a fight with either of you anytime soon,” Luke said, pretending to be intimidated by their feisty energy, though maybe it wasn’t all pretend.