Chapter 47: Mild Drinking

Hallie tried to ignore him for a moment while she gathered the papers she had been working on and put them in their assorted folders.

She was tempted by his promise of a good time, whatever that was, after being in the sterile office environment all day.

They took a cab to the river front, and it turned out that in fact, Luke didn’t lie. He took her on a cruise along the river.

It was a cheesy boat tour with some narration of the local history, and Hallie completely enjoyed it.

They didn’t talk much, taking in the sights of the city passing by and the other boats on the water. Once in a while, she thought, what if this could be for real?

Maybe Miss Santer was right, and it would be impossible to have a long-lasting relationship with the prince of Sarkadia… but what if the relationship she had with Luke, although temporary, could be meaningful?