Chapter 62: Fired!

Hallie looked up to find Miss Santer practically glowing in her orange business suit as she strolled in. “Mr. Lorenzen would like to see you in his office, right now.”

Hallie didn’t like it. If Miss Santer looked happy, it boded nothing good for her.

Whatever it was, she was pretty sure the mistake could be fixed since their latest marketing campaign had not been launched yet.

Luke was glowering from behind his desk like a well-dressed thundercloud. This alone was cause for concern because she had never seen him in such a foul mood. Gone was the charming ladies’ man, replaced by some kind of wrathful Greek god.

“Miss Mathews,” he began, “I understand certain things have been going on behind my back.”

“What kind of things?” Hallie asked, bristling.

“Miss Santer tells me you’ve been seeing a certain gentleman, and that there may have been some hanky-panky involved.”