Chapter 68: So Alike

Hallie felt like not only the carpet had been pulled from under her, but all the ground she stood on had crumbled in an earthquake.

She had just wanted to talk to her sister. She had not been prepared to see her locking lips with Luke.

“Uh… would you believe me if I said we were rehearsing for a play?” Luke asked as he came to the front foyer towards her.

Hallie’s only response to that was to give him a hearty slap on the face.

“Would it be too cliché of me to ask how long this has been going on?” Hallie pronounced.

“Nothing is going on,” Terry scoffed. “It was just one of those spur-of-the-moment things. Get a grip.”

“Get a grip?” Hallie could not believe how dismissive Terry was being. Was she seriously expecting to get off lightly as if this was just a spilled cup of tea?

“It just happened randomly, didn’t it?” Terry said, looking to Luke for support.

Touching his cheek where Hallie had slapped him, he appeared confused and lost for words.