Chapter 84: Play in the Sunshine!

Luke regretted saying ‘fake fiancée’ the moment he said it. He had meant to say he wanted Hallie to be his real fiancée, but somehow the words didn’t come out right. The rational, cynical part of his brain stepped in and ‘fixed’ things.

How could he expect her to be serious about him after everything that happened?

He needed more time, and hopefully once they arrived in Sarkadia he could convince Hallie that a real engagement could be even better than a fake one.

He was starting to think that all other women bored him, so why not marry the one who added excitement to his life?

His family would be against it, of course. It would cause a big kerfuffle, but at least it was a goal worth fighting for.

“My flight leaves on December first,” he announced cheerfully, “I’ll book you a ticket, and we’ll go together.”

“Oh, thanks,” Hallie said.

He could see that she was thrilled at the prospect of this new adventure, and it made him nervous. He feared he would disappoint her again.