Chapter 100: The Victim

Just as everyone was leaving the party, Luke strode quickly back into the hall, a stormy look on his face.

The few guests who remained noticed his livid expression, and some ladies uttered soft gasps, evidently not used to seeing the prince like this.

It was already half past 11, and Hallie thought she had managed to stay out of harm’s way by avoiding the royal greenhouse, but something must have gone wrong.

Luke was making straight for her.

“How could you do this, to Nicky of all people?” he asked without preamble.

“Do what?” Hallie asked, not sure if he was referring to her plan or something else Raphaela had concocted.

“You know. Whatever scheme you worked up today, it resulted in Nicky caught on camera making out with the British ambassador. I didn’t think you were that vicious.”

Hallie suddenly felt a horrifying chill. “Caught on camera? You mean the press?”

He nodded. “I guess you didn’t know about that part. But why would you drag Nicky into all this?”