Chapter 117: The Special Project

The hotel’s biggest conference room was buzzing with excited journalists.

Hallie entered together with Luke and Nicky through a back door that the hotel staff had shown them, to help them avoid encountering any overly eager reporters before the conference began.

Even so, Hallie was nervous, and she got the sense Luke was a little too. He wasn’t making any ridiculous jokes or remarks. Nicky was giggly and enthusiastic, as always.

Luke started off the conference by announcing his plans to reduce homelessness. The journalists listened carefully, surprise written all over their faces.

They had expected some juicy scandal, not a charity project.

“Countess Nicolette will be working very hard to make sure there are fewer homeless people in our land,” the prince concluded. “This project is very dear to her heart, and to mine. It wouldn’t have been possible without the help of my fiancee, Hallie Mathews.”

“Thank you,” Nicky said, “I hope to be worthy of this honor.”