Chapter 12: Reclamations - Michael

McGuire beams. "Pleasure, Sor. This way." He marches across the lot to a parked van. Klempner strolls behind, jerking his chin at me to follow.

Paint chipped and with doubtful tyres, I don't think I'd want to trust my life to this vehicle. Jimmy unlocks the chained and padlocked roller door. As it rumbles open, Klempner, grabbing the side handle, hauls himself up inside.

He stoops over an air compressor, briefly lighting the rear with the torch beam from his phone. He snaps a photo. A table-saw gets a similar inspection. Another photo. And another. And another.

Tucking the phone back in his pocket, he jumps down again, brushing his jacket straight as he lands. "Michael, bring up the truck if you would. "We'll be taking quite a lot of this."

McGuire beams. "Shall we discuss the price first, Sor?"

"Get out what you have on that list. Let me see it in decent light."