Chapter 94: Jezebel – Klempner

It's hardly my area of interest, but for now, I want to keep Lily talking. For a moment, I flounder for something to say, but Michael takes the cue. He switches on that smile he uses when he's notching up the charisma. "Do you get a lot of that soul-saving stuff?"

She raises brows at the question, sniffs, wrinkling her nose, then knuckles under to the charm offensive. "The religious types? Yeah, from time to time. Here to save me from myself. Can't stand them, but I try to be polite. They usually mean well, even when they're the fanatic types or just clueless. They make no difference between the hostesses, the dancers and the hookers."

She presses fingers to her chest, her voice turning dramatic... "They've come to save the Harlots and the Painted Jezebels from an eternity in Hell." Her smile fades and she returns her attention to me. "So, where do you fit in?"