Chapter 133: Leviticus – James


Charlotte’s voice is strident. “But Will here just said that they took his teeth. Not that they raped him.”

Stanton raises eyes to the ceiling… pauses… perhaps waiting for her to join the dots herself. Then when she remains blank-faced, “Charlotte, the fact is that it’s not uncommon for…”

He palms the back of his neck, looking away, then… “… not uncommon for the underdogs to have their teeth knocked out so they’re better able to service their Masters.”

Klempner leans forward, elbows on knees. “What the Commissioner is trying to explain, Jenny, very inarticulately, is that Harkness is going to make some shower-stalker a very happy man. Probably several of them. He’s going to spend much of the rest of his life with a good tight hold on his ankles. Most of the rest, he’ll be on his knees. And that’s why some lifer bad-ass would take his teeth.”