Chapter 3: Trespasser

It’s been two days since the last meeting and both of my parents are still refusing to speak to me. I was willing to make the sacrifice and take the throne, but having to go through a possible arranged marriage? You couldn’t give me enough of anything to let that become


If this wasn’t bad enough, my network connection for my devices just stopped functioning. The castle is so huge and open, that we have to place multiple network routers all over the place. Most of the time we just needed to access the technician room to reset it. I knew I had to break the silence between my parents and get this over with.

*Paige presses Intercom*



‘Hello, Ms.Penn?’

‘Paige, hello?’

‘Yes, I wanted to ring in to meet with my parents’

‘They have left for the day unfortunately’

‘Will they be back soon?’

‘I am unaware, they didn’t indicate a time’