Chapter 33: An Offer He Can't Refuse

My life was a joke, a joke I just couldn’t quite understand. The next day came and almost went. Sitting in class, I could not move one bit. When Mrs. Hostler announced that Chase and I were partners for our latest project, my heart dropped into my stomach.

“Alright, ladies and gents, remember this project requires a ten-page paper, diagram, and presentation, so please put some effort into it,” Mrs. Hostler announced and pointed with her chalk to the board where she had the project requirements posted. “Make sure you have enough time to work out a schedule, and I do not want to find out that half of your partnership did more work than the other. This is a huge part of your semester grade.”

I looked back to see Hannah and Luke looking at me with caution. Hannah shrugged and mouthed, “I’m sorry,” as if it was her fault. I was randomly paired with the one person who hated me most in the world, aside from Courtney and Polly.