The kiss ended too soon. I was quickly left with the feeling of missing him even though he was right there in front of me. I typically would have wondered what the others were doing, but I didn’t really care as long as I got to spend more time with him.
We exited the photo booth slowly, careful not to slip on the ice. Chase grabbed my hand and guided me out onto the ground one step at a time.
"I've had a great time tonight and really ever since I've met you," Chase said to me. I blushed.
"Well, I'm glad you feel that way. I mean, I've had a great time tonight too. Though we have certainly had some rough patches," I said, trying not to remember our dark ages—the worst version of ourselves coming to light in the wake of pain. I made a mistake, and he lashed out. I couldn’t fault him for that. I liked to think we were growing.