Chapter 75: Dance with Me

The ideal prom was sweet, innocent, and magical. However, the reality of prom was sweaty and loud with a touch of sparkle. The football team was chanting, and the nerds spiked the punch to be cool, emphasizing trying. The cheerleaders took their dates right to the center of the dance floor, so the spotlight was on them like always.

For me, the best part about prom was Chase.

"Alright, let's do a funny pose," Hannah advised in front of the camera, and we all made crazy faces. I thought we had about five different photos to use as a group, and then we broke up into our couples. During my phonebooth time with Chase, he whispered something naughty into my ear to get me to smile like a clown.

"Drop your towel for me again," he said. His hands wrapped around my hips were the only things that kept me from going limp.

"Time to dance," I said, changing the subject. I led him out to the dance floor where our friends were.