Chapter 6: The Emergency Room

*** Ariana's POV***

Triton helped me out of the car. He seemed to want to stay with me. I took his hand as he offered it to pull me up. I did not need that kind of help, and I'm sure he knew that too. But, he seemed to want to do it, and I thought it was very kind of him. I decided I'd let him take me to the doors but not go inside. I did not want them to think someone from my enemy pack hurt me or something.

"So, did you enjoy the Moon Goddess Ball?" I decided to ask him as we walked inside. It was dark now, and only the parking lot lights were illuminating our way. The moon was not visible tonight, and the sky was clouded.

"It was okay." He answered with a shrug, looking down as he walked. "I've really never been into those things, you know?"

I smiled and nodded as I answered, "Oh, don't worry. I understand. And, it's always so awkward when there are the two enemy packs and the snobby neutral packs." I shook my head as I thought about it. What an unpleasant night that was. But, I got the feeling he did not want to talk more about that ball.

We kept silent until when we got to the doors, I turned to him. "Thank you so much for helping me tonight. But, I think it would be best if I went by myself from here. I just don't want them getting the wrong idea about you."

He had a look on his face like he wanted to protest. His dark eyes searched my face and seemed to flicker as they did. We stood there together, looking at one another for a long moment until he finally began to nod.

"Yes," he answered me simply. "I suppose you're right about that. But hey, you let me know how you are, okay?" He handed me his smartphone.

I couldn't help but find it cute how he gave me orders but said it in such a caring way it didn't seem bossy. I chuckled lightly to myself and took his phone in my hand.

"Of course I will. I promise." I told him and typed my contact number into his phone.

He nodded his thanks, put his phone in his pocket, and slowly turned to go. I watched him for a moment as he quickly crossed the parking lot back to his car. When he got to his car, I decided to go inside.

The receptionist gave me a form to fill out when I entered, and I guess it took a while to get me in to see the doctor because I was not severely injured. I felt distracted, though, with my mind continually returning to Triton and how he was so kind. Maybe if he were not in my enemy pack, we could become good friends.

I suddenly had my thoughts interrupted by a nurse calling my name. I jumped up and walked towards her as she led me into the doctor's room. I saw her glance at my arm as I entered, and she had a concerned look on her face. I hoped she would not ask too many questions about where this injury came from. I was not very good at lying.

I removed my clothes and put on the robe, and she examined my body. I felt nervous for some reason.

"What happened to your arm?" She asked me as she examined it closely. I twitched as she dabbed my wounds with an anti-bacterial rub.

"Oh, I just fell off my bike." I stammered as the idea suddenly struck me. That seemed like a reasonable thing to say. She looked at me skeptically but did not press the issue. There was an awkward silence as I sat there, and she cleaned and dressed my wound. When she finished, she washed her hands and seemed to be thinking.

"The wounds were not deep, thankfully." She told me as I stepped behind a curtain to get dressed. "But, I will have you know, those do not look like cuts to me. They look like claw marks. Did an animal attack you?"

I knew what she was trying to get me to say. She wanted me to say that a werewolf attacked me. But, I did not want to blow this out of proportion. I could handle Patty.

"No," I answered simply. I could feel her disappointed stare as she continued her speech.

"You do know it is illegal for werewolves to attack one another. I am telling you this for your own protection. Do not let these people harm you. If you feel you are in danger, contact the police." She concluded her talk.

I came back around the curtain and smiled as I said, "thank you very much. But it was just a bike accident. I appreciate everything. Have a nice night." And I quickly left the room and made my way out of the hospital. I had called my parents while I was in the waiting room, and my mom was just outside waiting for me.

I got into the car and greeted my mother. She had a concerned look on her face and did not return my greeting right away. I tried to smile, but her eyes drifted to my arm. No smile crossed her face, and her eyes seemed lost in thought.

"Tell me what happened, Ariana?" My mother more asked than demanded.

"I just fell and hurt myself," I mumbled.

My mother did not seem satisfied with this answer, and she shifted her gaze to look out the front window of our SUV. She looked scared and concerned. She cleared her throat before she continued.

"I won't push you to tell me what happened." She said slowly. "But, does this have anything to do with Alex and the Moon Goddess ball?"

I sighed. I knew I would have to tell her eventually, but I had hoped I could get over it some more before I did.

"Alex was not my mate," I said flatly, gazing out in front of myself blankly. "He has another mate. And, it doesn't seem to bother him at all. I guess that's because he has a mate. I did not find mine."

My mother reached out her hand and gently stroked my arm as tears rolled down my eyes. I had not really cried much since our breakup since I tried to ignore it and be strong.

"Don't worry, sweetie," my mom whispered softly. "You will find your soulmate."

I smiled at her and thanked her. I did not want to tell her that I was worried I did not have a mate. I always felt something was wrong with me. My dad always thought I should have been a boy. Maybe I would be better off, but I chose to ignore the thought. I needed to stop thinking so much.

My mom drove me home and tried to talk to me about lighter topics. It actually did help and cheered me up quite a lot.

I got myself some chocolate milk from the fridge when I got home. My mom offered to make me something, but I told her not to worry. I just needed to rest. I walked upstairs to my bedroom and got dressed into my comfortable nightgown. I undid my hair and sat down on my bed, and let out a sigh. Just as I leaned back and lay with my legs hung over the edge of the bed, I heard my laptop make a sound. It was the sound that told me I had an instant message.

I was surprised but made my way to my laptop. I saw a name I did not recognize show up in my DMs, and I opened it.

"Hey, I don't know if you're up. But, I hope you're doing okay." The text read. It was from Triton!

My heart got excited for some reason, and I sat down at my desk to send my response. I told him I was alright and just got home. I thanked him again for bringing me. He told me don't mention it.

I sat back in my chair and let out a dreamy sigh. He was cool. I always knew that. But he was also, maybe, sweet. I would never have thought that.
