Chapter 9: The River

*** Ariana's POV***

I looked out my window. The moon was back in the sky. It was not complete, but it was a beautiful crescent in the night sky. I always thought it looked a little like a sideways, crooked little smile surrounded by stars.

It was 11:30 pm on Saturday. The night before my birthday. At midnight I will be 18 years old. I could not believe 18 snuck up on me the way it did. It was going to come in a way I did not expect. I was single. I didn't think this would happen, but here it was.

I decided to try to make the most of it, though. I wanted to try to make the most of this year. It was a big age, and I wanted to make it spectacular.

"Hey, sweetie," my mom greeted me as she entered my room. "Your dad and I have a surprise for you."

I slowly stood up from the window bench I had under my window. She was wearing a white nightgown and had her long brown hair hanging around her shoulders. She looked excited. My dad had been out the whole night, and I had a feeling he was home now. However, my mom told me he had some business to attend to, and I worried he was avoiding me.

He never wanted a girl. He was the leader of our pack, and he always wanted a strong male alpha son. But he got me. And, they have not had any children except me. I did not like to disappoint people. And, I knew how hard it was for my father not to have a male heir.

I followed my mother down the staircase and out into the garage. She had her hands over my eyes so I could not see, but I knew we were in the garage. I could smell the scent of woodchips mingled with gasoline. This was sort of my dad's mancave. He did his best woodworking and car maintenance in this garage.

My mom took her hands off of my eyes. I saw a beautiful light blue Mustang. It was vintage-looking, and I could tell my dad had put a lot of work into it. It looked like my mom probably did the paint job too. She was a good painter, and when she was younger, she worked at an autobody shop doing painting.

"This is for you, sweetie," my dad said, gesturing to the car.

"Oh my gosh!" I gasped, clasping my hands over my mouth in disbelief. "Mom! Dad! I can't believe it. Thank you! It's gorgeous."

I flung my arms around my mom's neck, but I waited for my dad to approach us before I embraced both of them in a hug. My dad was being abnormally sweet, which I savored.

I was super happy at that moment. It felt so perfect. It felt like when I was a kid. Birthdays used to be so perfect when I was young. This was the best one since I was tiny.

They gave me the key and told me how happy they were and how proud they were of the woman I've become. Then, they left me alone for a few minutes to sit in the car and feel what it's like to be behind the wheel of my car. It felt so good at first. But then I remembered the night I spent with Alex when he took me home for the last time in his sports car, how he looked so mysterious. I could no longer read his face. And then, it was all over. We weren't together anymore. And, at that moment, I felt tears begin to run down my cheeks.

At that moment, I heard my dad's old coo-coo clock go off. The clock struck midnight. I was now 18 years old, alone, crying in my car. I wiped my eyes. I had a sudden urge come over me. An urge I was not entirely familiar with. It was like my hands were shaking with energy.

I got up and out of my car and stood in the garage for a moment as if the earth was shaking. But, it was not. I was. I got down on all fours as my body continued to pulse. I grabbed my shirt and tore it off. I kicked off my jeans. I ripped off my bra. And I began to feel my body shifting.

When my body relaxed, I saw myself transformed into a wolf. I had completed my first shifting. I was a wolf.

I decided to enjoy my newfound strength and dashed out of the garage. I never felt so much power in my legs. My four legs tore across the night landscape, with only the moon knowing where I was. I figured when my parents saw my clothing on the floor; they'd understand what happened. It's pretty common for young werewolves to change suddenly on their birthday.

I made my way through the forest and loved the feel of the earth beneath my claws. It seemed to breathe life into me. I just wanted to clear my mind.

I came to the river which cut through the territories of our packs. It was beautiful in the evening darkness. The dim light of the moon and stars made it appear like a crystal shimmering. But then, just as I was going to try and relax by the river bank, I smelled something. I smelled him.

*** Triton's POV***

I awoke with a start because my heart was pounding. I was covered in sweat. I sat up in bed and hed my head. I haven't been able to stop this. Constantly my mind went back to the scent of my mate, to her beautiful face and hair. But, always, my dreams ended in violence. Because I knew the feud was stronger than anything we could have.

All day, I thought about Ariana as I tried without success to talk to Jessica. We were sort of in dating limbo right now. I wanted to end it with her officially, but I was worried.

I sighed heavily and got up. I looked at my smartwatch. It read 12:03 am. I stared at the clothes on my chair and tended to get dressed, and went out for a walk. But I changed my mind. I desperately needed to clear my head. So I shifted, running out of my house.

I kept having these dreams about Ariana, but Jessica haunted them too. I knew she was the only other person who knew that Ariana was my mate, but could I trust her? Would she tell anyone? What could that mean for our packs and the feud?

I knew that was why my dreams always ended in violence and suffering. Without noticing, I found I had come to the river at the center of the woods. The moonlight played upon the surface like dozens of beautiful diamonds. I reached down to touch the waters. It was crisp and clear. I took a couple of drinks of water. As I sat there by the river contemplating my options, I smelled something.

Daffodils. I smelled the sweet scent of daffodils wafting over to me from across the river. I knew that smell. I stood up and saw there across from me the beautiful Ariana in her wolf form. She must be 18 now. Did she smell me too?
