(Lu's POV)
I woke up to see a ceiling, something I'm definitely not used to since I prefer nature. Looking around me for a second, I saw a naked archon snuggling in my arms.
'Ahhh..... So it was real after all! I'm currently in a different world! Even that old vampire doesn't have enough energy to travel through worlds, only parallel dimensions.' I exclaimed in my mind, shocked at the situation. Here I thought, I was just getting played by Void-neesan. She was quite mad when I barged in that one time, just a bit curious about the thing she's guarding.
"Ei, wake up." I softly said to the girl beside me.
"Hmm?..." She suddenly opened her eyes and tilted her head.
'What is this cute yet scary creature?' I questioned the world, asking whether I should be afraid or what.
"I'll be going out to cook for a bit. I know you don't need to eat food, but that doesn't mean you can't taste them right?" I said and waited for a while, after understanding my words, she nodded in anticipation.
'Knowing this crazy girl, I waited for a while to tell her I'm leaving. If she woke up and didn't see me... All I can say is that I'd rather not end up in such a bad situation.' I don't know who I'm explaining this to, but I did it nonetheless.
I stood out and left the room to find the kitchen. Its a good thing there aren't many people here other than the guards. I was able to sneak by them easily and reach my destination. I quickly prepared some food I learned from my travels before going back to Ei.
"Here you go, just something to wake you up filled with energy." I said to the now awake Ei, putting the breakfast I had made to a table.
"But I'm already full enough...." She replied at me in a sensual tone. There's definitely a reason why it's morning right now, its because this girl didn't stop the whole night.
I ignored her words and checked on my current status. Noticing my reaction, she just started eating the food.
Raiden Lu
Alignment: Neutral Good
Strength: E
Endurance: D
Agility: EX
Energy: EX++
Luck: EX+
Noble Phantasms:
Dashenbian (God-Striking Whip)
Nilong Shenshou - Sibuxiang (Dracomorphized Divine Beast - Sibuxiang)
Improvised Clairvoyance
I did say she brought me back to my peak, but it's only the abilities in my mind and soul. I got a new body after getting ressurected, which is actually a good thing since my old body has always been weak.
'Since I have a perfect specimen here to compare my current abilities, I don't see why not.' I thought, before looking at the Electro Archon peeking at me from time to time while eating.
"Do you mind if I check your status Ei?" I asked, to the person curious about what I'm doing.
"Can you do that?" she asked with a shining expression.
"Yes, I can also show you mine in return." I answered Ei, and she nodded in response. Seeing her consent, I immediately did my thing.
Raiden Ei (Weakened)
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Strength: B
Endurance: C
Agility: A
Energy: A+
Luck: D
NP: A+
Noble Phantasms:
Plane of Euthymia
Musou no Hitotachi (One Slash of No Conception)
Uncanny Obsession
I was definitely surprised, especially on that last one.... I guess two millenias of waiting is significant enough. I already know she is weakened because of erosion.
'Knowing her at her peak, Archons should be comparable to peak servants. While the strongest one Morax is more or less in Grand level.' I thought, before showing her both results.
"I won't ask how you can be so strong, since you will tell me later anyway. But I'm definitely curious about that Whip." answers Ei in a seductive voice. I swear, one day, I will bonk this horny girl with my whip.
"I'll be doing something for a while Ei, so don't be surprised if I don't reply." I said, while ignoring her words.
"You'll be using that Clairvoyance I saw right? Then I'll be guarding you while you're in a trance." Ei replied seriously, while I only nodded in response with a smile after seeing her worried.
My Clairvoyance works a bit differently than the others. Solomon can see both the past and the future, while Merlin can observe the present. I can do both of those, but with restrictions, just something I worked on since I have nothing much to do on my travels.
I'll be using my Clairvoyance this time to see the future. The restrictions being, I need a target to be able to see the future, in this case it should be the traveler Ei told me about. The other one is using my Clairvoyance to scan the surroundings or see the present to make my calculations. You can say its more of a predicting the future, rather than seeing it.
I concentrated fully on my task, and gathered every information I could find.
'It looks like that traveler really is the focus in this one. I was able to see everything in Inazuma before I got suddenly got stopped by something.' I talked to myself , while preparing my plans.
"I'll be leaving for a while ..... Ei?!" I opened my eyes to see my wife seriously scanning my body, every part of it. I quickly hugged the girl to stop her from molesting me. She responded by deflating on my chest.
"Ehem! Like I said, I'll be leaving for a while Ei. You can disguise yourself right? You should roam Inazuma while I'm gone, learning about our people is part of your responsibility as my wife." I softly suggested to the now meek Ei.
"Un..." She replied weakly to me.
'If what I saw is correct, then the traveler should be on the way to the resistance right now. While my other plan should be able to strengthen Ei, and maybe help her erosion.' I thought while hugging the silent archon.
'For now I should prepare my disguise and meet the traveler. Though even without a disguise, there will be no one who can recognize me. But that's not the point! It's for the future! Definitely not because I just wanted to.' With those final thoughts, I left the currently sleeping Ei on the bed.