That Time I Got Comboed By Three Old Hags

After scolding the two sisters, I made them promise not to do something like that without my permission.

How? I threatened them that I would ignore them for a while if they did so. 'A while' is pretty long for someone who lived for a few millennia, so they got scared that I would ignore them for a few decades or something.

Well, now that the stalking problem is a done deal, let's focus on something else. I think it's better to explain the circumstances in order.

After my 'secret' meeting with Kokomi, I scolded the twins before making my way to find Lumine while feeling a bit mad. It dissipated right away, though, since the traveler is a nice conversation partner, plus a bonus mascot with her. 

The duo introduced me to Gorou and the soldiers she once lead as one of the captains of the resistance. They welcomed me cheerfully after hearing the news that I healed the ones who suffered the effects of using a delusion. After that, a few days have passed without anything happening, and tomorrow is the day when I will fix Yashiori Island.

Currently, I was having a peaceful walk around the village. The onlookers stared at me curiously from time to time, but they didn't interrupt my silent soliloquy. What a nice day we hav-

"Ah, its the flirty god! Let's leave Lumine before he targets you like before!" The floating creature pointed at me, then shouted to hurry.

Not a nice day at all... My peace has been ruined, and on top of that, I got called a flirty god in front of the townsfolk... Sigh*

Is there any need to shout?! ... I guess that's normal for that evil-looking small fairy.

"S-Stop, that's rude of you Paimon! Apologize to Lu." Lumine berated while blushing. She probably got reminded of what happened back then.


"Apologize to him." She restated, a bit stricter on the tone this time.

"Ah... I-I'm sorry obnoxious god." The emergency food cheekily apologized.


"It's fine it's fine, No need to get worked up about it Lumine. Seeing your usual banter is enough for an apology.Though I hope it doesn't happen again when there's other people." I pointed to the watching crowd.

Lumine forced Paimon to apologize, silently this time and bowed solemnly for the trouble. I took the hint, and teleported the three of us back to our temporary house. Makoto went outside earlier, so I gestured for them to go into my room and we sat together, with them in front of me.

"So? You're usually with Gorou or the other solders Lumine. Do you need something with me?" I asked as I prepared the tea I got from my hidden pocket.

"I just wanted to ask you about something. I wanted to talk to you alone... its quite convenient that Makoto is not here hahaa..." She answered with a serious tone that turned awkward faster than you can say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.

"Hoh? Isn't this situation perfect? Right now... there's only the two of us here~." I teased as I slowly took her hands into mine. She quickly turned into a tomato, the metaphorical version. 

Our surroundings suddenly turned slow as we stared silently into each other's eyes. Mesmerized, I leisurely got closer and cupped her face with my other hand. I noticed her eyes darting everywhere from time to time, implying her nervousness. Too bad... There's nothing that can sto-.

"Stop!!! Wake up Lumine! I won't let this bad guy get you!" Sonuva*****. Although I didn't plan on going through it, can I not get interrupted for one time?!

The flustered Lumine took away her hands and moved backwards while holding her fast-beating chest cutely. I went back to my place feeling a bit disappointed at the outcome.

"Y-You should stop your teasing habits Lu." She scolded me after calming down a bit.

"Especially when you have a wife..." Lumine whispered, but I clearly heard that weird tone of hers.

"Eh?!" I think Paimon heard it too.

"What?" Princess questioned with a glare and her partner decided to shrug it off. I wouldn't, though, I'll keep it in mind.

"You have a question for me Lumine? I wonder what it is." I cluelessly said, and the duo immediately turned their attention to me.

"You did something to Kokomi didn't you?" Lumine stated this seriously.

"Yeah! You definitely did something you mischievous god, Kokomi have been behaving weirdly everytime you're near these past few days!" I quizzically tilted my head, acting confused about the situation.

"Don't deny it Lu, I asked Makoto about it too but she kept it a secret. She's also acting suspiciously though, being a bit more behaved the same time Kokomi acted differently. As such, the only possible suspect is you!" She smugly said, her partner agreeing by bopping her head up and down with a smug face.

"There's a lot of hole in your evidence but I'll reward you by admitting that I am the person who did these crimes!" I exaggerated myself, by posing like that one Evangelion scene that I watched during modern times. James Moriarty better watch out for this new villain in town.

"What did you do? You better not hide anything from us!" Lumine went along with my act and the creature kept doing the same nodding thing.

"I admit that I am guilty, but I never said that I did anything wrong. All I did was talk to both of them!" I plead my case. Take that! I didn't really lie in my statement since I did 'just' talk to them.

"Lies! And even so, you talking to them is evidence enough that you did something"

"That's right that's right!"

"Any talks with you is anything than normal anyway!"


The two tag-teamed me for a while. I just let them be since it seems like they're having fun and they're not getting anywhere anyway. Sooner or later, they will burn out of everything they can say. So I thought.

"That's right! When something happened, it's mostly Lu-chan's fault~!" The devil barged in and joined them in their accusations.

"He proposed something to her, so now she's bewildered on what to answer." You shouldn't say things that way since it's bound to create a misunderstanding. I learned from experience.

"He propose- He did what?!" Lumine screamed after understanding what she said, or should I say misunderstanding? See, what did I just say earlier.

"You sorry excuse for a god! First we have a drunk, then a broke guy, a childish girl and now you! A Womanizer! I'll snitch you to the Raiden Shogun!" She knows that, so it doesn't really matter... She's been watching after all.

"Timeout! Timeout! I proposed a plan to her, not a marriage or anything proposal! (yet) I promise to fix this tomorrow before we leave okay?!" It doesn't stop them from berating me, but it's good enough.

"Now leave, you ruined my peaceful day enough. I'll be going outside for a stroll and I will be back before dinner. Understood?!" I teleported them out of my room before they could answer.

I'll set up everything I need for tomorrow and tell Sibuxiang to get ready for the fake show. What a hectic day.