Truth x Dare

"Poker and truth-or-dare?" Aoi couldn't understand what that would entail. It was not a game she had ever heard of before. Despite not being one to have many friends, she was certain that girl had just came up with it on the spot. "That sounds-" She would most likely use the word weird to describe her feelings on the idea.

"Fun!" However, her sister Airi had a different reaction in mind when hearing of it. "I've never played either of them before, but they've always look so cool with friends."

"And how do you suggest we play this game of yours?" Asked Kichi. With the way this slumber party had been progressing. It was becoming apparent that Kougi and Airi were the one dictating the direction they went. Regardless of his feelings on the subject, the most the boy could do was play along.

"It's just like regular poker." She explained it as if everyone should already know the rules of the game. "Except instead of all that folding, checking, and raising nonsense. We all draw our hands and that's it. The person with the best hand gets to make the worst hand either do a dare or tell a truth." It was basically nothing like poker, but the idea was simple enough. Though the thought of making there be a stipulation for doling out truth-or-dares seemed like it could be unfair. It was entirely possible for someone to get stacked on a bunch or lucky enough to be the one to force everyone to do things.

"As long as there's no cheating, I'm down." Airi was already begging for her cards after hearing the rules. From the way she acted, he wondered just what would this girl do with such power.

"Yeah, as long as there's no cheating." Kichi repeated, turning his glare towards his sister. If she had a plan going into this, then he believe some trickery was afoot. "If I find out you're doing something underhanded, then I'm calling an end to it." He spoke specifically to her.

"Yeah, I agree." Said Aoi. "I'll just go to sleep if something dumb happens."

"Another question." Airi raised her hand as if they were in class. "What if there's a truth we don't want to answer, or a dare we don't want to do?" He didn't think there would be a way to worm out of doing something like that when you already agreed to play the game. However Kougi already had a strategy for it.

"Then you have to lose one article of clothing."

"That's it, I'm out of here." Aoi got up, which prompted Airi to try and keep her from leaving the room.

"Wait don't go!" She begged the girl.

"Yeah, at least wait until I'm done explaining myself." His sister continued on. "I'm not talking like your pants or undies. We all got socks, right? Just take that as each of us getting two get out of jail free cards." For a moment, they all froze as they awaited Aoi's response. She stood still before finally returning to her seat.

"Fair enough." She said and they were able to begin their game. "Deal them out." In her mind, the sooner they got started, the sooner she could end the suffering of having to worry about doing something stupid or revealing something embarrassing.

Things got off to a quick start as Kougi was the one who shuffled the deck then gave out the cards to each person. Once they had a full hand, everyone showed off what they had.

"A royal flush." Said Kichi. He was the winner of the first hand. "There goes all my luck for the rest of the night."

"Aww, I didn't even get a pair." Airi lamented as she plopped her face onto the table. "Guess I'm the first loser." As per the rules of the game, it was now her turn to face either a truth or dare. "Give me a dare." She requested.

"I dare you to…" When he was about to say something, he came to the realization that he had no idea what he wanted any of them to do. This was all his sister's idea, so clearly she wanted something out of this game. Since this was the case, then maybe it might be okay if he was a little selfish too. "G-give me a kiss on the cheek."

"I knew it." Aoi muttered to herself. She took this move by him as proof that he wasn't as pure of an individual as her sister had put him out to be. Despite Kougi having teasing remarks for him all day, she was oddly quiet about his request. That shocked him as Airi leaned over to him. Why did she shut her yap now?

"All right." It was an easy task in Airi's mind, so she didn't hesitate to lean in and put her lips onto his cheeks. Her soft and moist lips graced his face. It was more than enough for his body to tense up from the closet he had been to kissing a girl in real life. "There, good?"

"Good…" He was nearly speechless from having the opportunity. Even if it was only because of a dare. His hand gently touched over where her lips just were as he imagined it happening again.

Now it was time for another hand across all of them. The wind seemed to have been knocked out of Kougi's sails as she was uncharacteristically reserved in her chatter. The girl had entered a state of concentration, but she knew there were risks when she brought this idea up. All she could hope for at least a win to come in her favor.

They all showed their hands and this time it was Kichi on the losing end. "I really did use up all my luck already." He commented as the boy lost out with a pair of twos. That only narrowly lost to Aoi, who had a pair of threes.

"Phew, that was close." She whispered to herself. The girl wasn't sure if she could last the whole night with bad hands like these.

"Yes!" Kougi returned to her usual self as she tasted victory with a full house. "That means I get to give you a challenge." She pointed a finger at him to gloat.

"Whatever." He dreaded what she was about to make him say or do. "I'll do dare too." Even though what she would make him do would likely be stupid, embarrassing, or probably both. That would be better than her forcing him to reveal a truth to the twins.

"All right, then how about you grope my breasts?" She gave her absurd command.

"What!?" His face shot bright red on the through of fondling his own sister. "That's crazy." She had leaned her head back and pumped out her chests acting all confident in herself. It was clear that Kougi was proud of where she stood compared to most girls, and they certainly were more well rounded compared to the twins. The other two girls simply stared at her in envy as she goaded her brother on.

"What's wrong?" She said. "I thought boys would just be leaping at the chance just to get a free touch." It enraged him to see her mocking him without fear of attack. "Maybe my brother's just like all those manga protagonists. Always too afraid of girls." Kichi couldn't contain himself any longer from her words and he dove in without hesitation. The boy reached out both hands and took each of her breasts. "Whoa!" It caught her by surprise to see him going all out.

"See? I'm not afraid of you." He declared as his grip moved about, fondling the girl as was requested by the dare. His sister couldn't respond as being grabbed in this manner made her feel hot inside. A girl can enjoy having their boobs massaged by others, even if it was done by their own siblings.

This wasn't what she expected coming from him. Since they all had an out, she assumed he would take off one of his socks and resign to being mocked by her more. Of course, she wasn't against this outcome either.

On his end, this would be the first time he had touched a girl like this before. It was obvious as to why he had no experience with it, but that was besides the point. At the end of the day, Kichi was feeling up her chest, and it was a nice feeling that he might've enjoyed more were it not someone he was related to. "There…" He said after letting go of her breasts. "It was kind of dumb, but I did it."

"Why didn't you just take off a sock?" Aoi asked. When she spoke those words, he realized his blunder of falling right into his sister's trap.

"Oh, um…" He struggled to find the words to explain himself. This boy had literally just fondled his own sister's boobs right in front of the twins without any sense of shame whatsoever. "I was just doing a dare." It wasn't a good reason, but it was the best he could come up with now that both twins were staring at him.

"But you still have both your socks." She reminded him again.

"Wow…" Airi was too awestruck with what she saw from him. Her reaction made it impossible for anyone to tell if she was upset or impressed with the display.

"Call it strategy." He finally collected himself and sat back down in his spot. "I'm sure there's going to be worse things you'll all try to make me do."

"Gosh…" Finally, Kougi was able to regain herself once again. She had been barely able to keep herself from falling over backwards from his assault on her chest. "I'm never going to forget that feeling…" She murmured quietly to herself and got back to the deck before speaking up loud enough for them all to hear. "Now, shall we continue?"