Sister x Love

They say not to go to bed angry. It's supposed to be a thing to avoid for some reason, but Kichi never understood the reason why. Until now that is as he opened up his eyes to the darkness in his room. Getting rest was impossible with all the emotions ramping up within him.

As mad as he was, the boy didn't want to blow up in front of the twins. Familial issues really shouldn't be a public thing. Especially when the people around them barely know them as is. So he had been holding back, even when they were alone and he let Kougi have it.

His heart still beat heavy and his muscles were tense. None of this were conducive to having a good night's rest. Neither was laying on the floor after spending years being used to the comforts of his own bed.

"Ah…" He sighed, slowly getting up. The boy stayed quiet so as to not wake up the twins as they peacefully slept in his bed. For a moment, he stopped and looked at their sleeping faces. Kichi had barely known them a week and already he got such a wonderful opportunity, but he didn't savor it for long. Taking his time meant a higher possibility on one of them waking up to see him watching them. If it were Aoi, then she'd most definitely call him a pervert again.

So the boy tiptoed his way out of his room. Another problem with going to bed mad was he neglected to use the bathroom before nodding off. His bladder was part of the reason for him to wake up and he took care of business there first. Being a bit more alert now, he knew that falling asleep wasn't going to be easy.

If his bedroom wasn't an option to pass some time before going back to bed again. Then Kichi decided a quick stop to the kitchen to grab some late night snacks would be a good way to spend some time. Some food would certainly brighten his mood and he wouldn't be so upset with just the thought of his sister.

Too bad that his decision to head to the kitchen made it impossible to forget about his sister. Kougi herself was looking right inside the refrigerator as he walked in. Her butt covered in only dolphin shorts were what greeted the boy coming in.

"Huh?" She heard him walking in, which prompted her to stop her rummaging to look. "H-hi…"

"Hi…" The pair exchanged an awkward greeting as he stood still watching her. She had continued to look for food inside as he contemplated returning to his bedroom. She was spending way more time 'looking' in the fridge just to avoid conversation with her brother. This did give him a nice view of her backside, which under normal circumstances he might've enjoyed. However, this was his sister and he felt mixed on his feelings towards her.

It would be a lie to say he never once looked at her in a fashion he might do to a beautiful girl at school. They were only short moments when he gave in to the temptation and usually brought about guilty feelings inside. However, the entire time the boy simple justified it as taking notice that surely another boy would come along and fall for her looks. It made sense as surely she put in some effort towards her body for that effect.

At the same time, he was also mad at her. The reasons for that were obvious and numerous from her behavior tonight. Though internally he did know he went a bit too far in telling her to leave his life. She's still family and even when mad at her he still loved her.

"Is there anything to eat in there?" His constant back and forth within his mind finally led Kichi to speak up to her. He had made the decision to stay in the kitchen instead of returning to his bedroom to avoid her.

"Uh…" She got caught off guard that he willingly spoke to her. "Well there's nothing in the fridge. So I was just going to boil up some water and make some ramen." Kougi told him.

"Could you… Make me a bowl too?" He recoiled a bit from making the request. It came across to him as a bit selfish after how he had treated her just hours ago. The longer they chatted, the more he understood just how difficult it was to repair a broken relationship. The boy made an internal promise to try his best to avoid these types of situations going forward.

"Sure." She answered, taking one of the pots from the cupboards and filling it with tap water. They had to be quiet as it was the middle of the night. Not only were there parents to worry about, but also the twins sleeping peacefully in Kichi's bed. The stove was turned on and the pair found themselves awkwardly sitting at the dinner table waiting for it to boil over.

"So…" He struggled to find the words to start off a conversation. It was impossible to act as if nothing bad happened between them. "You couldn't sleep?"

"No." She answered in simple fashion. "I just kept tossing and turning. So I thought maybe some late night food would help."

"Yeah, same here." He responded as they fell back into silence once again. It was clear things were moving at a snail's pace. The boy knew he'd have to pull the bandage, so to speak, in order to get where he needed to be. "Kougi I'm… I'm s-sorry." Kichi struggled to apologize. It was like his pride held him back. Or perhaps it was the fear that she herself might not forgive him.

"Sorry?" She repeated his last word. "Well, you have a right to be mad at me." Finally they were able to address the core of their situation. "You were right that I was acting like a fool. That's because I was doing it on purpose."

"What were you trying to accomplish with that?" Kichi couldn't understand why she would want to embarrass themselves in front of the twins. They had just met those girls for the first time, so there was no reason to have any issues with them let alone make bad first impression.

"Can't an older sister be a little… Scared?" She answered and got up to head to the stove as the sounds of water simmering filled the kitchen. It was her attempt to make a statement and not have to elaborate, but he had all the time in the world. Kichi followed her as they stood by the stove.

"Scared?" He said. "Scared about what?" Airi and Aoi seemed like the most innocent girls in the world. While he knew the latter had some bark to her, she had never laid a hand on him either. So there likely was no bite to her silver tongue despite the animosity. "They're nice girls."

"And that's kind of the problem." She responded. "Maybe you don't understand because you're not an older sister like me. But I guess I'm just a little scared about losing you." Kougi could say that she had gotten really used to having him all to herself, in more ways than one.

"But we're still family. It's not like if I get a girlfriend we can't hang out all of a sudden. I like spending time with you, even when I get annoyed." To her, he still could not get it. To be fair, it was not a common line of thinking to assume what she had been hinting to him the entire time. Perhaps a sign of where she truly stood in this boy's eyes. Kichi went over the counter to reach for some bags of ramen when she came up from behind and gave him a hug. "Huh?"

"You really are one dense boy, aren't you?" She said, holding him tightly. "What I feel is a bit wrong, but I don't know what to do."

"Wrong?" It took him a moment to understand what that meant in the grand scheme of things. "You mean…" It hit him hard when Kichi realized that she meant a love beyond something than just as a brother. Something that between the pair was forbidden.

"I see you figured it out now." She whispered, barely audible of the rumbling sounds of water nearly boiling over in the pot next to them. "I hoped that maybe I could enjoy you all to myself while we're in high school. That maybe… Maybe I can tuck these feelings away when I leave for college." By then, Kougi believed that he would be free to find a girl in his final year of high school. That by then it would be an experience she could accept by enjoying these next couple of years. However, things took a turn when he met these twins who seemed to be interested in the boy. As a girl, she could tell.

"Kougi…" He was speechless from her admitting the truth. The boy grabbed the arms wrapped around him, not as a means to get them off him. But rather as a way to console her feelings. How should he respond to this information? Is there any way to move forward with this knowledge? "I don't know what to say."

"Shh, you don't have to say anything." She put a finger on his lips. "I just don't want you to hate me, that's all."

"Kougi… You know I could never hate you." He answered earnestly. There was no way he could ever dream of a life without his sister, no matter what happened.

"Good." She let go and took one of the bags of instant ramen to begin their late night cooking. "By the way Kichi…" Her tone also returned to that of before their fight. Hearing him not reject her outright had infused new energy into the girl. "You never actually did my dare."

"What do you mean? Of course I did." While he was upset with what occurred, the boy did kiss her as asked.

"I mean, I dared you to kiss me on my cheek, not my lips." Kougi pointed over to a good spot on her face for him to plant his lips on. "Heehee, just kidding. You don't have to-" He stopped her from speaking as Kichi went in and gave his sister a smooth on her cheek as directed.

"There." He said after backed off. The two had their faces bright red as he was unable to look her in the eye. "Um, you don't have to make me any ramen. I'll just go to bed now." Quickly after his move, Kichi made a beeline for his bedroom.

"Heeheehee…" Kougi softly giggled to herself as she gently placed a finger on where his lips kissed her. "Maybe I still have a chance after all…"