Don't x Tell

While it was somewhat painful to have Aoi fall on him. Admittedly there were hundreds of things worse than having a girl sit on you. So Kichi couldn't be mad about the situation he found himself in with her. After getting back up and regaining their composure. The pair knew there was still a lot of time left in the day and a lot more aquarium for them to see.

"Thank goodness no one saw us." Said Aoi. She had to breath a sigh of relief from avoiding their blunder being made public to others. Though her heart still raced from their close contact. They way he pressed up against her on the glass. The girl had never been so close to a boy like that before. It lead to her mind thinking a bunch of thoughts that she regretted. She hated the side of her that shared the same hobbies as her sister. Those were to blame for her thought process.

"That would've been awkward." He agreed. "But, I'm sure we could've explained ourselves." It certainly would've been an interesting conversation to have with a stranger were they caught in that compromising position. After getting back on their feet, he also got back onto the subject at hand. "Look, all I'm asking for is that you trust me. I'm willing to do that for you."

"I understand." She responded. "And fine, I'll trust you." While she did say that, her reasoning was not as personal as he wished it would've been. Aoi still kept her sister in mind and knew that Airi would prefer she have a positive relationship with this boy they both knew.

"Good." He looked around, pondering on their next move. "Shame we lost that group we were with." Without a guide, they had no idea of a good direction to go towards.

"It's not like we need them to enjoy ourselves." She said. Aoi turned to take in the sights of the water above. Seeing fish floating about over them was a unique experience not taken anywhere else. "And it's not like we need to go anywhere either."

"Really?" He looked in the directions she did. It wasn't easy as it felt like she was moving back and forth quickly. Scanning the entire area like a robot learning of its new surroundings. "I see. You want to memorize it for later, right?" Kichi realized that if she wanted to draw this scene. That she needed to understand what she even saw with her own eyes. This was no different than when she looked closely at the playground they were at together before. "So you are going to draw it."

"M-maybe." She answered bashfully. "Even if I did, I'm still not going to show it to you." Aoi nervously held onto her arms, looking down at the ground after she told him that.

"It's fine." He would've liked to see what she could make of this view they shared together. However, now was not the time to push his luck and if she was so reserved about her personal skills. Then there was no need for him to go after it. Any more effort would mean he was being selfish. "This place is really beautiful, isn't it though?"

"Yeah, you could say that again." She responded, but her tone made it seem like she wasn't entirely there. The girl had an airy sound to her voice, as if in a trance as she walked around a bit, still staring upwards into the water. He followed, matching her step-for-step and keeping his vision locked onto what she saw. As someone who couldn't say he had any artistic talent. Kichi wondered if he was able to see what she saw. Not just the fish, or the coral, or the deep blue water. None of what anyone could see, but rather if there was something else to be captured in this moment.

Eventually after going in what seemed like circles. Aoi came to a stop and sat down. She placed her back onto the wall, which was just more glass up against this exhibit. The sea life that were near where she sat down moved away in reaction to her presence. Looking at her dead on, it was like a school of fish surrounded her, a gap in their ranks right where she was. Kichi sat down besides her, causing them all to flee. As if giving the couple some privacy away in their little corner of the world.

"I hope you're having fun." He said after she spent some time in silence. For a moment, he was worried that she could've just been ignoring him again.

"It might not look like it, but I'm… Real happy." She replied. "I've been a major jerk today, but I'm really glad you're here with me."

"You are?" Her voice didn't sound like it. If there was one thing he could tell between the girls, it would be their voices. Airi's was a bit higher pitch and more energy was put into it even when she talked about things that weren't interesting to her. Aoi was much quieter and it sounded like she was always upset with things. From the way she had acted towards him up to this point. It did seem like she was always mad at him.

"Yeah." She assured him that was the case, even if it was hard to believe. "The truth is when you asked me, I got a bit excited." When Kichi thought back on that moment. She didn't show any excitement. If anything, it sounded like she wished he hadn't suggested the idea to her. "No one's ever done that for me." While it wasn't as if she had never gone out before. No one had ever asked it of her. It was either because Airi added her in, or someone came along and asked her so that they could also ask her twin.

"Right, that." He did feel a little bit of guilt that it wasn't entirely for her. Though that didn't mean he was against spending time with her anyway. Somehow despite all her harsh words, Kichi did still like Aoi. "I don't think there's anything wrong with being with a girl…" When he turned his head to look at her. The boy caught her simply staring at him.

They locked eyes with each other as if stuck in a contest of will. Had he ever been this close to a girl before? At least one who wasn't his sister, that is. Was there something special with this girl he hadn't noticed before. "Uh!" Before he made any moves he might've regretted, Kichi shook back and stood right up. "It's getting late, we should get back home."

"Right." She had to keep her head down to hide away her cheeks getting sweaty from the heat building up inside. Aoi couldn't understand what had gotten into her in that moment. It seemed as though she had opened up just a tiny bit for the first time in a long time. Even though they failed to visit most of the aquarium, but it was hard to say this trip was a waste of time. On the bright side, they could always return to check out everything that didn't see today.

"Told you this coin doesn't let me down." He bragged as they walked down the road towards their homes. "Even when I don't see it myself, I know that it's not going to lead me astray."

"I don't think it's trying to." She responded. Aoi didn't care for it as that was simply an inanimate object. Obviously it held no feelings towards its owner, positive or negative. "But it's not like it knows everything."

"But if we went the other way, then maybe we wouldn't have been able to have the day we had today." He never once considered the aquarium as a place for them to do after school. Sure they could've done something simple like with a cafe, but would they have been able to share the experience they shared together? Now that he was able to capture a glimpse into her own mind. Kichi was confident in saying they were friends, no questions asked.

"Duh, that's what making different choices means." She replied in usual harsh fashion. Perhaps their relationship hadn't changed as much as he thought it did. "I swear, you're always saying some of the dumbest things."

"Well, it doesn't matter." He stopped as he watched her heading up to her front door. "I had a ton of fun with you and I'm glad for it. Tell Airi I said hi and hope she gets well soon. See you at school tomorrow."

"Right…" She paused right before the girl was about to open the door. "Wait." Aoi turned around, yelling out to stop him from leaving.

"Hmm? Is something wrong?" He stopped right in his tracks. The boy had to lean back just to be able to see her without turning around.

"About today." She began. Could you… Not tell Airi about what we did today?" Kichi was surprised she wanted to keep their outing a secret. That was something he had never heard anyone suggest to him. Then again, he also knew this was Aoi. She was always a bit more private about things he never considered a big deal. But didn't Airi say they told each other everything?

"Yeah sure." Even though he didn't understand. Kichi was fine with keeping a secret between them. "She won't hear it from me."