Sibling x Divide x 2

The world didn't revolve around Kichi. So it wasn't surprising there were other things occurring in his life when he wasn't around. One other important setting would be that of the twins.

"Ugh, you beat me again." Said Airi as she looked on stunned from her sister's performance. As they normally did after school, the pair played some video games to unwind from a long day in class. It was a pastime they had both enjoyed since they were little when their parents bought them their first video game console.

Most of that time spent playing together were against each other in multiplayer games. Though they did rarely play some cooperative type titles as well as visual novels as if watching a movie together.

"It's not that special." Aoi responded. Normally when they competed, she was the one to get the upper hand. As cool as it might've sounded to be better at video games than her twin sister. The girl did also feel a sense of restlessness about this fact. Probably because she figured it was a useless skill to have when it came to the game of life.

"How did you get so good anyway?" Asked Airi. "I swear, we play the same amount of time."

"Probably because I got a little more time." She replied. It was a fact that during times when they were not playing together, she would also take to some solo play. "You know, you'll never catch up to me if we keep at the same pace."

"Well I'm done for now." The girl forcefully put down her controller. She had made a slamming motion to make it seem like a rage quit. However this controller weren't cheap so she had no intentions of accidentally breaking them. "Maybe I should read some manga or something to relax."

"You do that." Aoi didn't stop playing though. She simply changed the game to something more appropriate for one person. In her case she also wanted to relax after a stressful victory. So she put in a game called, "Beast Walking: New Boundaries", where she could tend to a village filled with many different creatures. They were also so nice to talk to. It was much better in her eyes than trying to socialize with real people. "So what did you do while I was sick?"

"What!?" The random question caught Airi by surprise. She nearly dropped her book in reaction to her sister's inquiry. "W-what do you mean?"

"Well I'm sorry we couldn't do much during the weekend because I was sick. I was just wondering what you did to make do?" Aoi had no idea her sister even left the house that day. She had spent most of that time sleeping. Any time she was awake was spent alone in her room watching anime. In her mind, Airi had just stayed in her own room to avoid getting sick again going random things. "I thought you would've played some video games to catch up to me, but clearly that didn't happen."

"Oh, well…" Airi struggled to come up with an excuse to not have to tell the truth. "I just… Read some manga, that's all." It was a simple excuse that should easily be taken without question considering her habits.

"Cool, what did you read?" Though she didn't account for the following question from her twin.

"Um, uh…" She tried to figure out something from her collection that she would've decided to pull out recently. "M-monster Killer?" She gave out an unsure response by using a popular manga.

"That again?" Aoi could've sworn she had already read that just a couple weeks ago. "You must really like that one."

"Yep sure." Airi knew she needed to change the subject soon or else she'd be figured out. "Say, what did you do while I was sick?" She asked. "I heard from mom you came home late from school that day."

"Oh, well…" Not it was her turn to sweet the details a bit. "I just stayed at school to get everything so you wouldn't fall behind." She explained herself. It was already something she mentioned when handing all the work for that day. So Aoi was going to stick with that story.

"But, it was almost dinner by the time you got back. Does it really take that long to get everything? I thought the teachers handed out catch up work before class ends when they know someone's missing."

"I might've stopped somewhere to grab something to eat." She continued on, feeling cornered by all these questions. Neither of them were suspicious, yet, on what the other had been doing while they were out of commission. It was more due to their own personal paranoia about being figured out that both wished to keep the conversation away from themselves. "Nothing special, sure."

"Darn, I wished you could've gotten me something back then." Airi sighed. "I was sick, what's wrong with treating your sister to something nice when she's in pain."

"Well, why didn't you come by to check on me when I was sick?" Aoi responded. "I mean, it wouldn't have killed you to peek your head in once or twice to keep me a little bit of company." Unfortunately Airi knew she couldn't have done so because she wasn't even at home during most of it.

"Just wanting to play things safe, that's all." A rift grew between them in this moment. They had normally told each other everything. Growing up, the pair believed it was important to stick together as they were twins. Back then they originally believed themselves to be the same person, even though now both knew it was untrue. Still, all that mattered they were family and keeping secrets wasn't a good thing. Especially when they bore deep into their consciences, leading to guilt.

It should be considered simple. There's nothing special about having just a little bit of time with a boy alone. Literally anyone could do that kind of stuff. Yet they both had their concerns about the other finding out the truth. They were both worried on how the other would react to such news. Likely due to their own feelings on the matter. "Did you… Hang out with someone while I was sick?" After a bit of silence between them. Airi spoke up the words she dreaded asking.

"Come on, you know me." Aoi tried to use past experience to her advantage. "I don't hang out with people on my own. You know I'd never ask."

"But what if someone asked you?" She retorted. "I mean, if someone like Kichi were to ask. You'd say yes, right?"

"Maybe…" She admitted. "You didn't stay all cooped up at home when I was sick, did you?"

"It's hard to stay inside with the sunny days we've gotten lately." She answered. They were answering in a vague manner. As if hinting what the other was suspicious at the entire time. "...Anyway…" Airi did a fake cough to try and think of somewhere they could take this conversation so they wouldn't have any issues. "I wonder if Kichi's busy with anything."

"Yeah, we can go see him if you want to." While Aoi normally wasn't one to leave the house when they had no schoolwork to attend to. There was no way she'd allow her sister to go there all alone. It wasn't just because she didn't trust that boy either. "Should we message him we're coming?"

"Oh no." She didn't want to risk getting rejected and being trapped in this awkward position. "We should surprise him. Wouldn't that be a lot of fun?"

"I don't know if he's the type of guy who likes that." Aoi knew she hated surprise. Every time there was a surprise birthday party, she hated it. Though they likely did it because Airi loved surprises. "But sure, we can swing by unannounced." And thus they turned off all their games, put away the manga, and cleaned the room up to make the journey to Kichi's house at this very moment.