Favor x Called

Kichi knew by the time the weekend rolled around he wasn't going to enjoy it. How could he when he had a sister who loved to tease him having the opportunity to call in a favor. Worst of all when he was aware she had the hots for him. So that could only spell more trouble for him.

"Well look at the day." In the morning of their day off from school. Kougi was already up with a bright and cheerful mood. In a complete reversal to when he was excited to meet with the supposed girl he ran into. It was her turn to annoy him while the boy was tired.

"Looks like it's time for me to suffer." He spoke sarcastically as they headed into the bathroom to brush their teeth. Even mentally preparing for it was no good in improving the young boy's mood about what was to come.

"Nothing wrong's going to happen." She gave him a playful pat on the back. Though it was forceful enough to cause him to spit up a good amount of foam from his mouth. "You're always doubting me." He knew he had good reason to believe so. She always seemed so intent on making his life suffer. Mainly because she thought it was funny.

Now admittedly he was overreacting on her treatment of him. While it was annoying and sometimes embarrassing to have her act the way she did with him. Most of them time it didn't cross the line nor did she mean anything malicious from it. That much he could trust from her. "Now, I gotta take care of business." She said as they were about finished brushing their teeth. With her brush in mouth, she began to tug down the waistline of her pants.

"Wh… Bleh! What are you doing?" He had to quickly spit out the foam just to be able to speak to her. She had just about pulled it down enough for her pink panties to be visible. There was no way she could seriously intend on doing what he thought she was going to do.

"What does it look like I'm doing?" She responded with little care. "It's the morning, of course I gotta use the toilet." Kougi had pulled down her shorts and her plain pink panties were out fully for him to see. Not only that, but it fit onto her tightly, giving a clear silhouette to the shape of her fit and round booty. If he were to stay a little longer. The boy would also be able to witness her nude butt in all its glory.

"Hey, wait until I leave at least." Unsurprisingly, he would not take advantage of such a sight. While most, if not all boys his age would basically get caught staring at her beauty. He could not stay without the guilt about it being his sister eating at him afterwards. So Kichi quickly spit out the rest of his toothpaste and rushed out of the room with a bunch of foam still hanging around his lips.

After shutting the door behind him, he sighed in disappointment. This girl always found a way to make him feel weird about himself. There was no reason at all to be feeling so hot inside over the thought of his sister sitting on the toilet with her bare bottom. Both in regards to the context of her being a sister to him as well as the action of what she would be doing too.

As annoying as it may be, he knew that this was going to be how the rest of his day would go. She had control now thanks to the debt he owed, so the only problem now was finding a way to survive it with his dignity and reputation intact. "Finally…" He said once she emerged from the bathroom.

"Heheh, looks like you missed a spot." She giggled as the girl ran her finger along his lips to wipe off the remaining foam. "Now you should get yourself cleaned up. It's going to be a fun day today." While the boy would disagree with the adjective she used to describe their future plans. Kichi did understand she wanted him to be presentable out in public. Despite not saying it yet, he just knew she would take him out for the day.

"So where are we going?" He asked from his room to hers after getting some good clothes on. "It better not be anywhere dumb." With the way he spoke to her, he wondered if Aoi's nature had begun to rub off onto him. That would be concerning if he wanted to actually get around to dating some girls. Normal girls who were nothing like the sister he had to be cursed with spending time with now.

"Nowhere in particular." She responded through the wall. "I don't think it matters where we go at all." That worried him the most. The aimless wondering wasn't an issue, but going anywhere without a plan also added in the risk of seeing someone they could've known. Sure, anyone would assume seeing them in public was just some siblings hanging out. But she would likely muck things up just for the sake of embarrassing him.

Now that he thought about it, the boy couldn't help but wonder one important thing. Obviously she did all this on purpose. The only real question would be the motive behind her actions. All this time he had assumed she did this because it was in her nature. That she enjoyed watching him squirm. But was it entirely possible the reasoning wasn't so innocent?

Was she doing that to him to try and get other girls to not pay attention to him. For a moment, he looked at the wall where their rooms connected. Surely she couldn't be trying to make his life suffer just because she wanted him all to herself. That wasn't love and even if it were, he was a victim to it.

Kichi shook his head to try and rid the thoughts from his mind. Surely that couldn't have been the case. She had to care about him enough to not pull stunts like that for selfish reasons. With it in the back of his mind, the boy walked out of his room to meet with her.

There he saw her outfit for the day. Unlike when they normally go out together to grab something as brother and sister. Kougi wore a lavender sundress he rarely saw her wear. It was usually when they would go all out as a family with their parents to a nice restaurant.

"Looks like you like it." She said, commenting on his pause to stare at her. "If you want to know, I like what you got on too." Kichi wouldn't say he went out of his way to look good. As what he expected from her words prior. She did say to look presentable, so he chose to look not to dissimilar to when Airi asked him to hang out.

Though that did make it sound like he had tried a bit harder than usual then. Airi certainly was a cute friend he had made recently and he'd be lying if the prospect of being more than mere friends wouldn't make him happy. At the same time, she was still someone new to along with the fact that Aoi was her twin sister whom he had also been getting to know.

As of right now, he would consider himself in the stage of trying to figure things out. It certainly didn't help that Kougi's confession to him had also added in more mix feelings for the boy to contend with inside his teenage body. Someone his age shouldn't be dealing with everything pertaining to his sister. He wished it were under different circumstance. That perhaps if they were not related, that he might've even considered accepting that confession.

His cheeks warmed up to the thought of that. Was that just an admission he found his own sister… Attractive? Who knew, but he knew that right now was more about surviving what she was about to put him through.

"Looks like we're both ready." He said, trying to return to reality. "So how about we head out for the day then."

"Of course." She said as they walked out the front door. Her smirk filled him with dread as they locked the door behind them. "We're about to have a lot of fun."