Taken x Home

Kichi couldn't believe what was going on as he opened up his front door. He really just took Airi home with him. Sure, it wasn't like this was the first time she had ever been to his place. But with the mood as it were, this was more than just a simple visit. Something could actually happen between them.

For a moment, he wondered if he should announce his arrival home to Kougi. Normally this was what he would do so she wouldn't get surprised to see him back. However things were a little bit different here as he led Airi to the couch.

"Guess I'll just turn on the TV." He said, his body tensing up as they sat besides each other. She had become a bit more reserved now that she was in the confines of his own home. Every moment became slow as they were careful not to mess things up. It seemed they were approaching an important event in their lives.

Kichi never thought he's be in this situation. The boy had spent a lot of time during junior high thinking about getting a high school girlfriend, but he never imagined he'd get to have that chance. Especially not with Kougi always around to embarrass him.

But now things were different. First being that he got to meet a cute girl like Airi, who seemed to be that lovely girl any guy would love to be around. Unfortunately the second thing did cause some concern. This being his own sister confessing her feelings for him. Not only was he worried she'd attempt to mess things up. As that would be the expectation of anyone who was in danger of losing their crush to someone else. But there was also the creeping feeling within him that was tempted into crossing the forbidden zone.

Right now, he couldn't think about that. It probably was for the best, so he could leave behind his sinful thoughts and be with someone who was clearly better for him. As they sat quietly watching the television. Kichi gently lifted his arm over her back in an apparent move to hit on her. They were now closer than ever before and they both knew it.

Airi felt her body sweat a bit as she felt his hand resting on her opposite shoulder. She gently placed her hand onto the one he laid on hers. A silent response to his silent move. The girl could tell now he was interested in returning her feelings as she leaned onto him.

Meanwhile, they were not alone in this scene. Unbeknownst to the two of them, they were being watched by someone peeking through their own bedroom door. This was unsurprisingly Kougi. She heard them enter through the door as she had just finished going to the bathroom during that time. When he failed to announce himself and his return. She knew something was up. Given the sight she was given, her suspicion was correct.

Looking at the way they sat next to each other, she couldn't believe how fast this relationship had progressed. She could've sworn they were normal back during the last time she saw them, which was only an hour ago at school. It was at this point she knew she couldn't underestimate the twins. If she was aware of the details on Aoi passing out, then she would've realized this unfortunate fact much sooner.

This wasn't how the manga she read worked, thought Kougi. Aren't girls supposed to spend forever just getting their feelings across while the boy is too stupid to realize that's what they're trying to say? At the very least, she would've thought her brother was an idiot and not realize what they were trying to tell him.

Things were getting bad for her and she knew something would have to happen or else she'd watch some girl steal her brother away. Thankfully she had the advantage of two things. The first being the obvious fact that they were at her own house as well. Of course it was normal for someone like her to leave her room to grab something or use the bathroom. So she could interrupt things and ruin the flow.

The second, not as noticeably important, fact was she also had Aoi's number. So she messaged the other twin and decided to wait for now. While she knew that girl was unconscious from the last time she heard. She hoped she would be awake by now, or else she would just go to plan B. Now it was time to watch the scene before her unfold.

"Uh, Kichi…" Airi spoke up, which prompted him to quickly remove his arm from her shoulder. Before it was easy when they hadn't said anything, but a conversation made him too aware of all the stuff going on around them. "It's nice being able to be with you."

"Oh yeah." He agreed, trying to brush off his blushing face over the compliment. "I'm glad we were able to meet each other. Even though it was kind of weird." Kichi realized that she wasn't even the first twin he got to meet. That honor would go to Aoi, even though it wasn't a positive joyful meeting. "And it's nice we get to sit next to each other in class."

"Yeah, I'm glad I chose to sit next to you." It wasn't as if she had much choice back then though. There were only a couple spots available and at the time Aoi had wanted to not sit next to her twin. So she mainly picked that seat as it was the farthest from her sister at the time.

As Kougi continued to watch, she rolled her eyes in response to their tame conversation. She couldn't honestly believe she could actually lose to this girl of all people. If only she wasn't Kichi's older sister, then he wouldn't hesitate on being her lover. Clearly she was better than any other girl in his life, she thought. What boy wouldn't be interested in her?

Then again, he was somewhat right when mocking her in return for all the teasing she sent his way. No other guy had confessed to her yet, so she couldn't tell what had been keeping the others away from her. Perhaps it was the stigma of hanging around her little brother a bit too much.

Either way, this progressed faster than she liked. So if Aoi wasn't here in the next couple of minutes, then she was going to have to take action into her own hands.

"It's funny, isn't it?" He said, turning to look at Airi. She looked back at him as they stared into the other's eyes. "I guess things really work in mysterious ways." Kichi also knew about his coin flip decision that morning before realizing they were both twins. Despite being a delayed response, it was one that had led him to great things.

Now they were locked in staring at each other. Neither of them exchanged words for some long agonizing seconds for Kougi. At this point, she knew what was up and could wait no longer. However, just as she went to open her bedroom door and announce her presence in going to the kitchen, something else happened.

The front door to their house slammed wide open. The culprit was a girl who looked just like the one sitting in the living room. It was Aoi and judging by the look on her face. She was not happy to be here. Or more accurately, she was unhappy with Airi being here.

"Aha! There you are!" She yelled.

"Ah!" Airi screamed for her life as her mirror image ran up and leapt on top of her.

"I pass out for a few hours and you just abandon me to go to him?" Aoi was livid for a multitude of reasons. From the more obvious like how Airi nearly took Kichi away from her to some less noticeable facts like how her twin apparently was uncaring about her well being.

"But you're fine, aren't you?" Airi attempted to defend herself in poor fashion. As much as Kichi would've jumped in, he was in too much shock to do or say anything at the moment. The angry girl continued her assault with some wrestling moves only seen on TV. "Owie! Uncle, uncle. Just please stop attacking me." At this point, Aoi had calmed down sufficiently enough to let go. Though she didn't get off of her sister.

"What is going on here?" Asked Kichi. Now he was able to find his composure to get into the root of this interruption. "Today's been real wild, so maybe someone should try to fill me in on why everyone is so crazy?"

"Are you just that dumb or something?" Aoi asked in response. "I feel like even your small brain should've already figured out what's happening." It took him a wild to put the pieces together, but eventually even someone like him had to connect the dots. Him getting closer to Airi, why Aoi had called him to the roof to her, what she was going to say before fainting. Kichi's eyes widened as the revelation hit him.

"You two… Both like me?"