Close x Call

"I'm surprised you met me back here." He commented as she got a bit close for comfort. It wasn't as if he was against her being forward with him. Just that their location was both not really considered romantic and even at that this was still a public area where someone could catch them.

"I didn't want to wait for you." Airi replied, giving the boy a nice tender hug. "Plus, no one can see us here." While she wasn't wrong that the general crowd wouldn't bare witness to their actions. Kichi knew they were only some guy who needed a toilet away from being caught. Not that it would technically matter if someone say them like this. The idea of a couple getting a bit affectionate would draw stares, but he was worried for Aoi's sake.

If they were found like this, then there would be no way he'd risk getting too close to the other twin. Someone would be bound to figure out something was up. It was in this moment that he wished the coin chose for them to sing karaoke. At least they would have a room all to themselves so he wouldn't be so reserved in this moment.

Then for doubting the coin's decision, he mentally scolded himself for being weak in this moment. He shouldn't let his lust for these girls cloud his judgment that there were better things out here for him.

"Come on, we shouldn't leave Aoi alone to wait for us." He tried to convince her to back down for a moment, but Airi wasn't having any of it. She responded by gently pushing him against the wall. Kichi was powerless to fight back, or more accurately didn't put up any resistance to her move as she ran her finger down his chest.

"I'm sure she'll be fine." She said, then paused a moment in hesitation. He thought it was her getting second thoughts and realizing how irrational she had been. "This is how this works, right? I've only ever seen it in… Well you know." Instead the reason for her holding back was to wonder on how realistic her actions were due to inexperience.

Wait a second, did she just admit to him that she watches hentai? No, that couldn't be it. Well, it would be fine if she wanted to get an idea on pleasing him. Then again, it would be fine if she also just did it in her private time. The more he thought about it, the redder Kichi's face got just thinking about her. "It must be working, I guess." She took his silence combined with the blushing as affirmation.

"It's fine." He finally spoke up to assure her that he wasn't uncomfortable. "I'm new at this too, so it's fine if we mess up a little, right?"

"Yeah…" She responded slowly, appearing to debate something internally. "Could I try this then?" Airi took one of his hands, then pulled up her skirt to show a tiny glimpse of the panties underneath.

"What?" His heart's beating shot through the roof as he understood her request. This was very similar to what Kougi had done with him in the theater.

"Just a little touch." She said. "Not long at all, if that's okay with you." This was incredible. If he accepted, then this would be the first time he actually touched one of the twins in such a special spot. Kichi couldn't believe how bold Airi really was about this. When talking about her, most of the boys viewed her as a real innocent and naive girl. They probably were still correct in the second point, but the first point was proven wrong in this moment between them.

"Then… I will…" He answered with uncertainty. This was not an opportunity that came up often in life. Yet at the same time, there was good reason for that. They were in public where anyone could see them, even if they were hidden away a bit from the world around them. "Just a little bit."

She lifted up her skirt higher to show off the panties she had on. They were plain white ones, which made sense as they had come here straight after school. So they were still in uniform. The way they tightly gripped onto her bottom made his mind go crazy. This was just like the time he saw Aoi's panties, only more exhilarating as he was able to enjoy the sight Not only that, but he also had the chance to feel her down there.

This would make for a good mind cleanser after the moment where he felt his own sister down there. When he thought about it, this was kind of sad for Airi. She couldn't lay claim of being the first girl who's panties he took a glance at, nor the first he had ever touched. At least with the latter he could say she's the first he wasn't related to, but that only served to make him more disappointed in his life. "Okay, here goes." He said, reaching his hand down there.

For a moment, he felt it. Kichi felt the thing a girl has. This was also the first time Airi had been touched in this manner. She let out a small moan unexpectedly, which caused her to quickly cover her mouth in embarrassment. The girl couldn't believe her body acted on its own in that precious moment. A moment that lasting only fleeting second.

"I'm just going to stop by the bathroom." They heard a voice right next to them say to their friends. In an instant, he pulled his hands back to himself and she let go of her skirt, allowing it to fall back down to cover her decency. A boy slightly younger than them, likely in junior high walked around the corner to see them. "Oh, excuse me." They stepped aside to allow him by. It appeared due to his young age, he wasn't yet at the point to be aware of what a boy and girl would be doing together in a place like this. So he didn't think much of the encounter.

"We should get back to Aoi." He said. Kichi's labored breaths were only overshadowed by Airi's own heavy breathing. They both had red faces with growing panic over what had nearly transpired. If that boy didn't announce his need to his friends, then they could've been caught in front of a young child.

Thankfully they didn't mentally scar someone for life and they themselves could be confident their secret was still safe. So the pair headed out of the restroom's hallway to rejoin with Aoi. That was where they found another problem. "Uh, were there guys talking to her when you left?" He asked, noting a couple of boys their age in front of her.

"No." She answered and immediately got worried. What had her twin been up to while she was gone? Aoi was backed up against the wall with an angry expression on her face as she talked to the two boys.

"I'm not interested in talking to either of you, so go away." That was the first thing they heard as they got nearer.

"I don't know why a cute girl you like you wouldn't be interested in talking to some handsome boys." One of them asked. "That's a nice teddy bear you got there, did your boyfriend win it for you?" She tightened her grip onto the stuffed animal in response. She gritted her teeth as Aoi wondered what was taking the other two so long to get here.

"What kind of boyfriend just leaves their date all along in a place like this anyway?" Said the other boy. "If you come with us, we could show you a real good time."

"Hey." Finally, Kichi spoke up to get their attention. "Leave her alone."

"Well looks like your boyfriend is here to rescue you." The first boy said. Then he noticed Airi standing next to him, and realized the girls were twins. "Huh, so that's why you didn't want to say anything about the guy. Maybe he's not your boyfriend after all."

"Who cares what you think." Said Aoi, storming past them so she could rejoin the safety of her sister and Kichi. "Come on, let's go now."

"You know, you shouldn't be latching on your sister when she's on a date. It's going to kill the vibe, get it?" Said the other boy. Kichi was about to speak up again, but this time it was Airi's turn.

"I'll have you know it's great having Aoi around." She said. "I don't care if it's a date or whatever. But I know I'd much rather have her around than someone like you."

"Okay, maybe we should just go now." Said Kichi. If this argument got worse, he knew he'd have to be the one to step up if things got a bit heated. Too bad he knew he would lose in a two-on-one fight with these guys. Actually looking at them, even if it were one-on-one he'd still lose.

"Whatever." The two dudes attempting to talk to Aoi made their leave. There was no point in a confrontation in an arcade of all places.

"Phew, that was a close call." Airi sighed in relief as she gave her sister a hug. "Good thing nothing bad happened to you."

"Yeah." On the other hand, Aoi didn't seem as glad to see them save her. "But maybe would you two mind telling me what took you so long to get back?"