Good x Bad x Idea

The next day at school, Kichi was already more left wondering what he would be doing on the weekend. Having the opportunity to date three girls led to him wanting to do that more than school. Hopefully his grades wouldn't suffer too much for that. Then again, he also had plenty of people who would love to tutor him. Since that would make for a great excuse to spend time with him.

However, out of the three of them. It was mostly Aoi who could even help him at all if it came down to needing actual tutoring. Well, Kougi would probably work out too since she had the advantage of being a grade higher than him.

"You look like you're really excited for summer break." Chuuya took note of his antsy behavior during lecture that he couldn't help but comment once they were on break.

"You could say that." He responded, then realized an important factoid in his sentence. "Wait, summer break's coming up?"

"You didn't know?" He was given an odd look from his friend. If that wasn't what got him all wound up, then what did? "Anyway yeah, we're in the last week until then. So try and hold on for me buddy."

"Wow, summer break." This was absolutely the best thing Kichi could've heard today. He had failed to noticed it had been about a month and a half since the twins dropped into his life. With this now on the horizon, he could look forward to being more free to do as he wished without worrying about everyday work.

Already his mind was filled with things he could do with the three girls. Though he wondered if he should be doing all three at the same time, or if it would be better to try and split things up. While the girls might get a little nervous about him being alone with one of them. It would also add some flair to otherwise a bunch of group dates. Not that he was against them, but it was hard to do anything romantic when he wasn't alone with one person.

There were plenty of things they could do during the summer. It was hot, so going out for frozen delights were always a bonus. A lot of events would be coming up, which included some festivals where he could oogle a bit at their lovely dresses. His birthday was also during this time period, so that would certainly make for some fun times. At the least, he could be confident on getting good presents for once.

"I can't believe we're about to have our first summer break in this town." Airi was equally enamored with the thought of it as well. While there might be the benefit of what she shared with Kichi. It was also exciting coming from someone who recently moved on and would be experiencing the traditions of this town for the very first time. "It's going to be so much fun."

"I'll certainly try my best to make sure you feel that way." He responded to her joy. Kichi couldn't help but smile when he looked at her giddy joy. "What about Aoi? Does she feel the same way?"

"Hmm, probably not." She was brisk and honest with her assessment on her twin sister. Despite how naive she may be about most things, she was not incorrect when it came to how Aoi would want to spend her summer break. "She'll say it's too hot outside to want to do anything. And that it's so much better to just close the blinds to keep the hot sun out so we can play more video games."

"You two really like gaming, don't you?" He remarked. It wasn't unexpected when he interacted with Aoi. She was more reclusive than most, so of course she would find solace in entertainment that didn't usually require social interaction. "Sounds nice, but it doesn't hurt to go outside either."

"That's what I say all the time." She replied. "Hmm…" This made Airi think hard on what they should do during the summer. She certainly was not against a few days of just staying indoors to play around with the plethora of video games. There were a lot left in their backlog that did need to be completed. However, with Kichi around, she did want to take advantage of their newfound relationships to new levels.

"Guys!" Suddenly, the door to their classroom slid wide open. It was Kougi, who had excitedly rushed on over for whatever reason. "Guys, you won't believe this." She first ran over to Aoi, then grabbed her and pulled the poor girl over to the others.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Can't you just tell us right away?" Aoi was not in the mood for games after being forcibly displaced from her desk. "You're acting like a child right now."

"Okay, well first of all I just learned that summer break is coming up." As it turned out, the siblings were both in the same boat in not realizing the date. Admittedly there were much more important things on both their minds to worry about it though.

"Welcome to that bandwagon." It wasn't enough to perk up the other girl. She was about ready to return to her seat in thinking this bit of news was it. However, Kougi quickly grabbed her arm and made her return once more.

"That's why I think we should go to the beach at least once while we're enjoying the summer." She pulled out a pamphlet from her bag to show them a good destination.

"Wow…" Kichi took it from her as the group looked in awe about the enjoyable vacation they could take. "How did you get this?"

"I've had it since the start of the school year, actually." She told them about how she picked it up after browsing some magazines in the nearby convenience store to their house. At the time, she got the idea to head out alone with Kichi to do some things that she wouldn't tell the others about. This was before they met the twins, so she wasn't worried about him being with other girls.

Things had changed since then, but this didn't mean she wouldn't want to go to the beach anyway. It was even better now since she was officially, albeit privately, dating her brother now. So they could have a lot of fun indeed on the beach. "I've managed to find a great deal on one not far from town. So we don't even have to worry about the money part either."

"That's great." Kichi was real glad he had a sister like her now. She had come in real clutch during his initial planning on how to spend this summer break to the fullest. It wouldn't be the only thing they did, but no one could complain that this was a bad way to start their vacation.

"Oh great..." Well, one person did find a way to complain. "I really don't like the beach." It was Aoi, whom Airi already correctly described as preferring to stay inside during the summer heat.

"What's wrong with the beach?" Asked Kougi.

"I just don't see why other people want to go there." She answered their inquires brashly and honestly. "You get all covered up with sand, there's barely any cover from the sun's heat, and I… Can't swim."

"Or… Maybe you're just embarrassed to wear a swimsuit." Kougi responded with teasing instead of taking her seriously. "Probably got some envy in you."

"Do not." Aoi folded her arms and turned away from the group to express her displeasure. "But I'm guessing Airi's going to try and convince me to come anyway."

"Wow, I can't believe you read my mind." Airi replied, more shocked about it than anyone should be.

"It's fine, I'm coming too if we're going through with it." Despite her disdain, Aoi didn't want to be a wet bag on their fun. Not to mention she'd be able to spend time with Kichi anyway, so it couldn't be all bad in her mind.

"I'm glad you're coming too." Kichi breathed a sigh of relief that he wouldn't have to worry with trying to convince her. "This is going to be so much fun!"

"Ahem." Chuuya faked a cough, reminding everyone he was a part of this conversation too. "Aren't you forgetting about a certain someone?" The boy pointed at himself as he said it.

"Ah no worries." He gave his best friend a good pat on the back. "We didn't even need to say it. You're always welcome to join me whenever you want."

"I'm fine with that." Kougi wasn't actually, but she understood it made complete sense to allow Kichi his friend too. If it was just him with the three girls, some might get suspicious. "But I only factored the money for me and Kichi only. So you and the twins have to make sure you pay for your own stuff."

"I can handle that." Chuuya answered. The twins were in the same boat and all their plans for the beach trip were set.