Bikini x Bottom

"Okay, this should be a good spot for you." After that debacle, Kichi and the others helped Airi head back to their umbrellas. She had gotten much quieter than her normal self as they walked with her. "Just lay down and try to rest a little bit." Kichi suggested to her.

"We did mouth-to-mouth…" She repeated again. That girl seemed awfully hung up on that detail for some reason he couldn't understand.

"Don't worry about her." Aoi assured them things would be fine. She was hanging out under the umbrellas all day anyway, so watching her sister wouldn't be a challenge. "I'll let her go when I think she's both feeling better and after she learned her lesson." Hopefully both of those would occur in a timely manner.

A part of him wanted to hang back for a little bit to make sure that Airi was going to be fine. She was his girlfriend after all and he was also the one responsible for reviving her in the first place. But his own sister had a different idea of her own. She took him by the arm and forcibly dragged the boy back along the sand.

"You heard her, they'll be fine." She said as the moved away from the twins. On one hand, he thought it was a bit selfish of her to pull him away like she did. On the other, she was still his other girlfriend and had yet to have received any attention from him. So it made sense that she would take advantage of this opportunity.

"So what do you want to do?" He asked, also taking note that Chuuya didn't follow along with them. Instead, he went off somewhere else on the beach to do his own thing.

"Duh, let's go swimming." She let go of his hand and took some steps into the cool ocean water. "Just because they can't swim doesn't mean we can't." Fortunately for them, they were a pair of siblings who took swimming lessons together. This was back when they were really little. Not even close to the double digit in age at that point.

Thinking about it really brought him back. In those times, he even still shared baths with her together. So they would see each other naked all the time then. Now with that new thought in his mind, the context of it really changed considering where they were now together. "The water's real nice." She said, getting in first. "Come on, don't leave me hanging."

"Of course I won't." He took some steps back and ran right towards the waves. In classic fashion, he jumped up and made a real big splash as he fell into the water. She wasn't kidding about how refreshing it was, but he already knew that from his first excursion on the waters. Just that this time was much funner than worrying about someone drowning.

It was nice feeling his head fully submerged under the water as he swam back up to the surface. Kichi emerged from the water, shaking his head around to fling the liquid off his hair.

"I see you haven't changed one bit." She giggled, putting her hands up to block away his collateral damage. "It's been too long since we've swam together." Kougi got up close to him from behind. The moment she touched him got the boy real nervous.

"K-Kougi, you know we're in public." He said. Even though most of the public surrounding them were more occupied with their own enjoyment of a vacation. He knew it took little to grab people's attention considering what happened with Airi.

"That's the thing about us going on vacation somewhere far from where we live." She didn't back off in the slightest. In fact, she only got closer to him. It was more than enough to allow him to feel her breasts pressing up against his back. "No one knows the truth about us."

"Well, what about Chuuya?" He threw out his only move left in this situation. Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how one viewed this situation, this was enough to get her to back off.

"You're no fun at all sometimes." She pouted at him. "It's not like Chuuya's watching us like a hawk."

"Speaking of him, what were you two up to while I was with the twins?" He hadn't seen them after breaking off so that he could be with Aoi. It was only after the trouble with Airi did he spot the pair. And even then, Chuuya would leave again shortly after things were taken care of.

"All we did was enjoy some beach volleyball." She explained to him the things that happened. It was during that time she noted the boy being a bit flirty. While it wasn't anything weird to her, after all she did dress herself to get some attention. He wasn't the boy whose attention she wanted to capture. So Kougi let him know rather subtly she wasn't interested.

"I didn't realize Chuuya was into you." He responded after hearing the story. Though to be fair, his best friend hadn't seen this girl in a swimsuit before. So surely that colored his perception a bit. That said, hearing that Chuuya would just hit on his own sister made him feel a bit odd inside. The way to describe it was difficult. The siblings were dating each other, but obviously there was no way for that boy to know that. However it was known they were indeed siblings and Kichi wasn't sure if he would be okay with friends wanting to date his sister even disregarding his own personal feelings for the girl.

"Anyway, I think he moved on pretty easily." She believed he was going off on his own to find some other cute girls to strike up a conversation with. Not a bad idea considering there were indeed tons of beautiful girls in lovely and revealing outfits on this beach. Surely there had to be one who would be interested. "Good for him and us. I was worried I'd have to explain why I wouldn't be interested."

"Yeah, that could've been bad." He sunk into the water, his mouth barely above to breath as he thought things through. It was here that he felt something float into view right before his eyes. "Hmm?" The boy grabbed it to see that it was a pair of black… Bikini bottoms? "Uh oh, looks like someone lost this."

"Yeah." She giggled mischievously. "Sounds like some lady is stuck in the water with her bare bottom exposed. Given the manner in which she spoke, Kichi thought something was up with her. When he took another look at these black bikini bottoms, he realized they were awfully familiar.

"Wait, these are yours!" He held it up so she could regain her decency. However, that would be assuming her losing those bottoms were an accident.

"Gee, thanks." She responded by attempting to stand up. Kougi knew if she did from the depths they currently were at. She would be nude bottom half would be visible for the world to see. He also knew this, which prompted Kichi to jump up and force her back down.

"Stop messing around." His face had a glowing blush on it the longer they talked. Knowing his sister was naked down there where he could catch a glimpse of it like back in the movie theater. The only difference was at least back then it wasn't like he could see the important bits. "I don't want everyone else to see you naked."

"Oh?" Since he needed to get close to her in order to keep the girl under the water level. She now had all the leverage she needed to maintain their close distance. "Is it because you want to be the only one to see me naked?"

"You know what I mean." She was playing one of her classic tricks on him. Despite being a couple, nothing could ever stop her from teasing him about romantic matters. The only difference being he was closer to her than every before. So that only made things worse for him. "You're getting kind of close."

He reminded her that she was nude down there. Not like it stopped her, and if anything, got her to want to get even closer. Kougi continued her assault and sat down onto his thigh under the water. Knowing that there was nothing between her and his skin, his trunks felt a bit uncomfortable as his mind was filled with inappropriate and sinful thoughts relating to her.

"Isn't this so much fun?" She wrapped her arms around him to steady herself and prevent any falls. "Hmm? Kichi?"

"This might be…" He spoke tensely, his body unable to keep himself straight. "Maybe a little too far."

"Heheh." She giggled at him losing a bit of control. "You know, one day you're going to find yourself in an even hotter situation." Kougi understood the endgame if their relationship, or his relationships with the twins, continued to go further. Personally, she knew she wasn't ready for it either, but at least she could prepare for the moment. "If you can't handle this now, then it might be a bit of a disappointment."