Hotel x Room

"Yep, there is." Kougi spoke unceremoniously as she plopped her things onto their solo bed. She had booked them in a one bed room back when there was no rift between them. The twins and Chuuya had to take care of their own rooms. So she decided to take advantage of the situation by making it so that she and her brother had to share a bed for a night.

It seemed this plan had backfired now that things had changed for the worse. So what were the pair to do for tonight? "I'm going to freshen up a bit." She headed into the small bathroom to also change her clothes while he laid down on the bed.

Kichi kept his face stuffed down into the pillow of this queen sized bed as he thought about how things had gotten between the two. This should be a time where they should be happy. Perhaps even taking advantage of their newfound privacy, yet things were being put to waste with their attitude. It didn't even matter if they were to reconcile later on down the road. That wouldn't take back the time spent here.

So he decided that something must be done now. Not that it took much to reach this conclusion. Things were bound to come into a head eventually, so Kichi chose to rip off the band-aid in this case. The moment she stepped out of the bathroom and back into their somewhat small bedroom, he got to work.

"I'm sorry!" He said, immediately rushing up to her and bowing his head down in shame.

"Whoa!" To say she didn't expect this would be an understatement. If she hadn't just used the toilet, Kougi might've leaked a bit in the fear he just gave her. "Kichi, don't just sneak up on me like that." With her heart racing from the jolt she got from him. The girl had forgotten about her anger towards him for a bit.

"Sorry about that." He apologized again for his actions. "But I'm asking for your forgiveness. I know you're mad about how I've treated you today. It wasn't fair of me."

"Hmpf, you're right about that." Once she regained her composure, Kougi also regained her feelings about his actions from today. She walked past him as he kept his head down and laid herself out right on top of the bed. "Apparently it's all good to reveal you're dating the twins like you're taking some pride in it. Meanwhile we can't even enjoy ourselves in private because you're too scared someone might catch us."

"I want to tell you that it's different with us." In fact, he was certain he already had mentioned to her how special their case was compared to the twins. However it was clear it would do little to brighten her mood. If anything, telling her that again would only serve to bring her more down than before. "But I guess dating two girls at the same time is taboo as well."

"I know you're right about that." She grabbed one of the pillows and hugged it tightly to her body. Kichi didn't say anything as he watched. Since going to the bathroom, she had changed out of her black, sexy bikini to her more casual t-shirt and gray short shorts. It was like they were having a conversation at home, which made him feel a bit more relaxed. "This is stupid, I just want to love the person I like. Is that so bad?"

She spoke into the pillow she held tightly to her chest. It made it hard to hear, but he was able to make out what was said by his sister who had tears forming in her eyes. There was no way he'd continue to just stand there and watch. So Kichi went over to sit besides the girl and comfort her by wrapping his arm around her shoulder. "I know you're never going to tell him or anyone about us. I can live with that, but it all just sucks."

"That's true, but…" Even though they were victims to circumstance. There was still much they had in control. He was the one who always pushed back when she wanted to go further. All that teasing led somewhere, it wasn't as if she was pushing his buttons for the sake of seeing his face turn red. Well, maybe she did it in that matter to see his reaction. But the girl definitely wanted more than to just make fun of him. "I still need to take responsibility."

"What do you mean?" She asked, to which he answered by pushing the girl down onto the bed, giving her a kiss in similar fashion to how he kissed Airi on the beach. It was something Kougi had never felt before, since he never had been so bold when it came to matters of intimacy between the pair. Even though most of the time she was doing it in a teasing fashion, it still was her attempt to get something out of him. "Where's this coming from?"

"I needed to make things up to you." He answered, now the one laying atop her on the bed. When Kichi realized what this position looked like, he lost his nerve once again and gave her space. "I kissed Airi on the beach today."

"When people could've saw you!?" Even though she didn't see what had transpired to lead to that. Kougi felt that growing jealously she held on the twins once again. She was so close to him when they were on the waters, yet he pushed her away.

"Yeah, and I already got Aoi mad at me because of it." Because of his actions, he knew that the twins having their quarrel was created due to it. "They told me earlier something I think we all already knew after that happened. That I'm still holding back with you because of who we are."

"Will you ever be able to get past that?" She got up now that he gave her room. "Because if you can't…" They both knew how this would turn out should he be able to break past his mental blocks. Their forbidden relationship would be doomed. A chapter in their life that should've never been written if nothing came from the massive risk they both took.

"I want you to know that I love you." He cut her off from entertaining the idea. "This is all on me." She was more than willing to go after him like any girlfriend would. It was up to Kichi to be the one to not only return her feelings with earnest. But to also allow her the same things he gave the twins. "I promise, from now on I'll try to accept your advances with more grace."

"That's nice to hear, but…" Even though his words were music to her ears. Kougi also understood it would be pointless if he was unable to keep his promise. "Well, I promise to be optimistic about it. I'll try to be patient with you."

"I want you to promise me something else." He said. While they were having this conversation. Kichi didn't want this all to be about how he had failed her so far. "You have to promise me to hold back a little bit on the teasing."

"You want me to stop doing that?" As much as she loved him. The ability to tease the boy was also something she loved doing. Mainly because that's how they had grown up with her being the older sister.

"Not stop." He clarified. "I want you to slow down a bit." When she did that, it would cause the boy to lose his composure and get anxious about his surroundings. Those emotions were not intuitive to Kichi wanting to do anything romantic at all. Sure, he should be a bit more mature to handle these kinds of emotions. But he was a growing teenage boy who still needed a bit more time to reach that state. "I don't want you to lose that part of you. Since I like it when you're happy…"

"…" She blushed hearing him utter the last words of his sentence. It got him all shy to even admit it, even though it was obvious he would care about her happiness as they were a couple. "Oh Kichi." She couldn't help but smile as Kougi wrapped her arms around him and pulled the boy in tight for a hug. "That makes me feel a little better now. So sleeping in the same bed tonight isn't going to be bad like I thought it would be."

"I'm glad to hear that." He breathed a sigh of relief in getting her to return back to normal, their relationship strengthened a bit. "Anyway, if we're heading to bed, I need to get ready for that." Kichi still wore his swim trunks for the entire time they had been at the hotel. It was time to get himself worn for dry land now.

So he left her to head into the bathroom and do all the things one does before going to sleep. He changed into some more comfortable shorts and a t-shirt. Similar to what she had done for herself. However, before he went to return to the bed. Kichi sat down on the toilet, not to use it, but to think about some stuff.

This would be the first time they would sleep together in a bed alone. Unlike back at home, there would be no chance of anyone disturbing them at all during the night. No one would be able to get in, not even Chuuya or the twins. Since that is the case, then…

Could he do some special things with her?