Chapter 10

The giant awoke with a grunt and curiously examined the object that had disturbed its rest before broadening the scope of its examination to the surroundings. The monstrosity spotted Reed and let loose an ear-shattering bellow. Springing to its feet, the flesh giant hurtled towards Reed to the sound of the violently clattering chain embedded within its back.

Reed waited anxiously for the giant to approach him. Its monstrously powerful charge sent quakes throughout the surrounding area with every step. When it had approached close enough to him, the giant's leading hand swung out in an attempt to grab him. He swung the sword in a downward arc and managed to hack a good portion of the way through the monstrosity's palm before it slammed into him, sending him crashing to the ground as the longsword flew from his grasp.

Reed hit the ground with such force that for a moment his vision went blurry and a ringing in his ears drowned out the world around him. The next thing he knew there was a crushing grip around him that threatened to cave his body in. Reed finagled his last remaining weapon out of the sheath around his waist and slid the tip of the sword into the giant's wrist. He fell to the ground once again as the monster let loose another roar and had just enough time to look up as a massive foot descended upon him.

Every bone in Reed's body shattered into pieces as his organs were crushed to a pulp. Mercifully, his capacity to feel and comprehend pain was rendered incapable, for it took two more powerful stomps to finally finish him off.

Reed lurched up in bed with a gasp. He looked around the room, taking in the comfortable bed, soft carpet flooring, simple furniture, and the lamp emanating a cozy yellow light. It felt… odd. He had spent so much time in the nightmare this time around that it had almost started to feel normal. He grabbed his phone, reading the time displayed on its screen. It was 8:06. Although he didn't know the exact time, there was no way he could have fallen asleep anytime before 8. Reed had spent weeks, probably months, in the other world. At the very least, time moved at an absurdly slower speed here on Earth, that is if the dream world obeyed the laws of time at all.

Reed collapsed back onto his bed. This was all too far beyond him. Of all the people in the world who wanted to be space wizards, why did he have to be the one thrust into such a situation? He tried to find some comfort in the softness of his mattress and pillows, and the relaxing sound of the heater working to spread warmth throughout his room; Anything to distract him.

An intense feeling of exhaustion began to invade his senses, but he quickly called on his magic to quash his need for sleep. He continued to lie on his bed for a time, eyes closed in an expression of deep thought, before at last he rose to his feet and left the room. Reed entered his kitchen and began to rummage around the fridge, coming away with a frozen pizza in one hand and a tub of ice cream in the other. He threw the pizza into the oven and sprawled out on his couch, turning on his TV and helping himself to the ice cream. It was in this manner that the rest of the night and morning passed.

Reed heard the alarm on his phone go off from the bedroom where it had been left. He sauntered into the bathroom and indulged himself in an extra long shower before changing into his typical dress shirt, pants, and black boots along with the same colored tie. Reed journeyed out the door, bag slung over his shoulder, and made his way to the bus stop. The entire walk there and subsequent ride to work, he examined his surroundings with the wandering eyes of a tourist. When he arrived at the Rec Center, Reed meandered his way through the halls of the building, taking in all the details on the way to his office. He sat down in the moderately comfortable swivel chair provided to him and jumped into his work as classic rock blasted through his earbuds.

The workday flew by and, sooner than he would have liked, Reed had to leave the building. Instead of making his way back to the bus stop, however, he started walking in the opposite direction, venturing into the city. He strolled through the tame streets of Charleston for a while before coming across a moderate patch of grass. Reed reached into his bag and pulled out a mystery book he had been reading. There was a bookmark about a third of the way through it, but he removed it and started from the first page. Lying down on the grass, he propped up his duffel bag behind him as a makeshift pillow and immersed himself in the novel for the few remaining hours it took the sun to set. At which point he finally made his way to the closest bus stop and rode home.

In his bedroom, Reed stared down at his bed. He was confident in using his magic to instantly send himself to sleep. He did no such thing, however, instead using it to relieve himself of the exhaustion that he had accumulated throughout the day. As he had the previous night, Reed entertained himself in front of the television whilst enjoying the variety of snacks that populated his kitchen. He stayed there, awake, till morning came around once more. To which he got ready and went to work, repeating the joyful day he had before.

But inevitably, that day quickly came to an end as well, and he found himself staring down at his bed once again. An empty look occupied Reed's eyes and his mouth was drawn into a grim line. He didn't want to go back. And now that sleep was no longer a hindrance he was free to go about his life, never returning to that nightmare of a place. But he knew that wasn't the case… not really. He hadn't been placed in these circumstances by accident, and sooner or later whatever was the reason behind it would come for him. The past two days had reminded him of what he was working towards, why he needed to keep going. It was without hesitation that he solemnly fell onto the mattress, eyes gazing up at the ceiling as he used his powers, and everything went black.