Chapter 20

We sat in the same order as we came. Theressa alone in front, and Paul and me on the opposite side.

Paul is a sensitive psycho so I should pamper him this much... for safety issues.

Almost half an hour after our departure, we arrived at the Main Palace. Our family, escorted by two Royal knights, was guided to the Royal Ball Room.

The door was opened by two Royal guards that were placed to the sides. Then, as we made our way inside, a man with a loud prominent voice announced our names one by one. Going from our parents, to Paul, next was Theressa and lastly me. I found strange the order in which I was announced because I am the eldest daughter. I mean... if we use common sense, the eldest should be announced first, right? Like... I was born first... I've been here longer... Not really "me" but they don't know about that.

But, I'm guessing that maybe there was a reason like... the one who is late on her debut should go last...?..... Society is sh** no matter the world you are in after all...

"Lady Marianne Elise Sylfinnier!" — Announced the man once my turn came.

'Oh? Elise? We have similar names~'

This bit of new information made me happy in a silly way, but somehow, it felt pleasant to have a second name similar to my original one.

Following my family who was going down the stairs, I finally could take in the sight of the Hall where the Royal Spring Ball was being held.

'... Woah... You could actually say the place is made of gold...'

It was majestic. There must have been a million candles lit up because the place was very bright.

Taking into account that outside was already getting dark and lamps still haven't been invented yet here... the yellow light emitted by the countless candles made the Room seem golden.

There were so many details in the walls and decorations, that I couldn't keep myself from getting a little dizzy at so many visual stimulations.

The Sylfinnier couple was greeting other high nobles and Paul was speaking with a guy who seemed to be a friend. On the other hand, Theressa and I were just standing, looking around, like lost hamsters.

Theressa began talking to me very excited about everything she took notice of, forgetting briefly her bad blood towards me.

Since we are of a Ducal family we must have been one of the last families to make an entrance, because not long after, the Royal family entered the room. I inferred that nobles arrived in order from lower to higher status at events like this. Therefore, obviously, The Emperor, the most powerful man, had to be the last one to arrive.

'Is he putting into practice the famous phrase... The best for the end...? He does have the Title to be this... flamboyant...' — I smirked while this thought crossed my mind.

If I had a chance, I would do the same. I kinda wondered if the Emperor was fond of eccentricities. If that was the case...

'I want to be his friend.' — I grinned on the inside.

The time came and The Doors opened widely bringing silence to reign all over the place, as only paced footsteps were heard.

The Emperor entered escorting the Empress by the hand, and behind them, followed their children. A princess and two princes.

The scene looked unreal. All of them had a beauty that was out of this world.

'.... This really is the world of a novel...' — I thought, knowing that I would look like a fool if my inner self was reflected on the outside.

Such beauty... Even using plastic surgery in my previous life, you would never be able to obtain it... Having such beautiful faces and bodies from birth is cheating. I'm watching them from very far, but even from this distance, I know they are no joke.

The loud voice announcement echoed through the Ball Room once again, and this time even more loudly.

"His Majesty, The Emperor of the Frotschter Empire, Francois Maurice Di Frotschter and Her Majesty, The Empress, Ingrid Federica Da Frotschter."

A short silence followed, bringing a serious and honourable feeling to the next words... 

"Let Fenrir walk beside you!!!!"

... As everyone repeated in a chorus "Let Fenrir walk beside you!" bowing their heads.

The Sovereigns of the Empire made their way to the Royal seats that were at the end of the room, opposite from where they entered. All of this, while everyone remained to bow their heads. No soul would dare to raise it.

When they reached their seats, The Emperor spoke with a potent voice, but at the same time, a very elusive one.

"You may raise your heads."

A breath in unison was gulped by the crowd as they obeyed the Emperor's words. Then, the rest of the Royal family was announced.

"His Highness, the Crown Prince of the Frotschter Empire, Zeleskiaz Reynold Di Frotschter. Her Highness, Princess Jasmine Fannie Di Frotschter. And, His Highness, Prince Sverre Hugo Di Frotschter."

"Let Fenrir walk beside you!"

At this time, one of the Male Leads had finally made an appearance. Being one of the main characters, he obviously took all of my attention.

The Crown Prince. The one Male Lead I can easily recognise right now because of his current title.

'It's... Sir Kinky Crown~... So...Zeleskiaz was his name...' — Recalling his nickname made me laugh inside before I could even see him. However, I couldn't keep laughing for long. His image is...

'He's d*mn hot...'

Even knowing he has such a personality... I could take the risk.

Recalling his physical description in the novel, there was just one thing that was different. The length of his hair.

He had short hair when he met Karina... but right now, his hair goes further down his shoulders.

The man was tall and muscular, His hair was straight golden white and a pair of well-shaped thick eyebrows gave his sharp eyes a cold look. His nose bridge was straight with a pointed tip and his lips that were lifted slightly at the ends, grinning, were thin but had a red shade. And, His face... had a fierce sexiness.

The clothes only could enhance his figure, and the cape hanging on his left shoulder made his upper body look wider. He walked with such elegance, that one wouldn't think to relate the word "madman" to him.

However, there was something I could not take my eyes off of. The moment he opened his eyelids, a pair of eyes that pierced the air could be seen. Violet eyes like the ones of the first Emperor... with a hint of a sapphire red on the centre.

This red was said to be a gift from Fenrir who liked the taste of blood the most... at least, that is what the legend in the book said.

It was only for a moment that I was able to see them... And yet, the intense colours were visible even from a distance. Such extraordinary eyes had me entirely captured in that short time.

His siblings, on the other side, had only the violet colour... 'As expected from one of the Male Leads~' He had the ML buff.

Once the Royal Family was gathered together. The Emperor officially began the Ball, rising from his seat with a chalice full of wine.

"I, the Head of the Empire, as per tradition, give this Spring Royal Ball my blessings and ask for the Gods and Spirits' mercy upon us mere humans. Let us all enjoy the Ball and welcome the young children who will now become adults."

"Let Fenrir walk beside you!"

'Gosh... aristocratic society is... something else.'

This is the second time I feel grateful I can't control this body to the fullest. If that were the case I would look like a countryside monkey... not even human anymore.

The Emperor, the Empress and the Crown Prince left the Ball Room, going into a room further to the side that was somehow hidden behind thick red curtains. Meanwhile, the other two members of the Royal family took a seat and watched over the other nobles.

The Duke of Sylfinnier came to us a few minutes later. I hadn't noticed, but Theressa was still by my side. I had thought she would leave at some point, but she didn't. Her cheeks were very flushed when I looked at her and her eyes seemed a little confused.

'Huh... don't tell me this is when she fell for the Crown Prince...? So it was love at first sight??... Such a—'

"Theressa, Marianne... come with me." The Duke interrupted my thoughts.

A flashback came to me.

'Right... the debutant nobles must greet and introduce themselves to the Emperor privately... and this time the order is from higher status...'

'Anne... our time to shine... has come?'