Chapter 35

"M-My Lord… Miss Marianne… seems to not be feeling well… I have been watching her from the door to make sure she is fine as My Lord suggested… but… she is curled up under the sheets…without moving…"

The Duke felt nauseous to the news the maid delivered. Despair devoured him in an instant.

In the past, a similar situation happened, after Marianne declared her unwillingness to meet her Father.

She would stay in bed all day and refuse to eat anything, without moving an inch from her position. It was hell to see his daughter like that, and not be able to do anything for months on end since she dismissed any type of communication with him.

The only one she allowed to stay by her side... was Paul.

The Duke would never forget the day he finally got to see her face again.

That day she stepped out of the room… her voice was gone… and the now common empty eyes and expression… were seen for the first time.