Chapter 74

Forcing myself to forget my silly ideas, I made my attention go back to the situation unfolding in front of me.

Feigning ignorance to the awkward stillness Marianne was emitting as her soul presence diminished... I changed the subject and threw the first random thought that came to mind to distract her and make her "come back" from the obvious "distance" she was taking.

'... I– I wonder which of these dishes have the Duke's favourite~? I– I've... never asked him which ones he likes~'

As I followed the Duke, standing up from my seat and, after reflexively taking the hand he offered in my bewilderment, I walked to the fixed table next to the window Marianne used to stay all day at. I managed to come up with this question as I looked through the dishes Paige started to meticulously arrange on it.

My gluttony impulses calmed down thanks to my previous... Joke.


That's right! It was a joke!!