Chapter 82

They kept holding hands as they waited for Theodore.

Orland believed that today had been such an amazing day, to the point that he was even able to show his love for his daughter by caressing her thin and beautiful hands to his heart's content after many years without any useless worry.

"... You have long fingers, Marianne... They make me recall your Grandmother's when she was younger..."

Looking at the young girl's hands, nice memories flowed from the familiarity his senses were catching from his daughter's hands, letting the protagonist of those memories be mentioned in his sayings.

His Mother was a graceful woman, with long hair and big eyes the same hue as his, Orland remembered how her hands looked and felt as he held Marianne's, summoning emotions from a far past.

'... Marianne has many features pertaining to the Sylfinnier's... Mother would be ecstatic to witness it...'