Chapter 122

Francois glared at his son, furious from the scare the frantic prince gave to his Father with the sudden invasion of his aura in the Palace.

It was not an uncommon occurrence in the slightest. Furthermore, not perceiving those menacing airs often would be truly considered a rarity in the vast Main building. Yet, this time, his friend's daughter, the adorable Lady he had developed great care for, had been near his dangerous thirst right after arriving at his Palace as an awaited Guest.

The Lady was frail and her Father, his great friend. A friend who has never betrayed him, who stayed his friend after ascending to the throne, one who forgives his selfishness and beats him enough to not kill him, even though he has enough reasons to do so.

The moment the Emperor felt the deathly waves and met his friend's eyes, he knew that... Were his son to harm the Lady... Francois would not be able to see the Orland he knows again...