Chapter 144

[ We are merely slightly acquainted, Third Prince. ]

Blinking in awe at how the Lady had expressed her relationship with the Crown Prince, he repeated in, an unknowingly audible volume for Zeleskiaz, whispering voice.

"... Merely... Slightly acquainted...?!??"

The Lady nodded indubitably as the Crown Prince carefully landed the teacup he was holding on its tiny plate... Only to ensure his strength at the conflicting response wouldn't break it to smithereens since a new turmoil was taking place in the growing void of his chest.


Silently, with his almost white eyelashes covering his turbulent eyes as they looked downwards with disguised composure, his ears were completely focused on listening attentively to what would be said next.

The child, cautiously yet uselessly, made sure that his Older Brother was not aware of their ongoing conversation and continued to ask.