Chapter 168

It's the fourth time he's called me "the Ninth" and it's already getting annoying.

"Does the Ninth want me to seat by their side?!"; "Ninth... I would like you to try this sweet...", and now this.

Does he intend on forgetting our name? Only because of a title??? Nonsense, pure nonsense.

I take the honour of being a filthy commoner in my past life. Yes, I do feel high and mighty when people call me "Lady" but I'm sure every other mere mortal from my times would feel like that.

However, It's a different story when being called a number.

I feel like I'm part of a furniture catalogue or even worse. Since I figured Empress Calla made a sacrifice... I feel like my head's label was announced to take to the slaughterhouse.

Maybe I'm wrong... But what if I'm not?!