Chapter 203


"... I reckon that... It is time for me to leave your chambers, My Lady."

'... Yeah, Uhm... Please do.' — Meeting his dithering gaze, the Lady nodded. — '... I don't think this is... good.'

"... But... Lady Marianne, I... There is this need I heed..."

'... "Need"?..... Kinky... please don't start with those "needs" of yours...'

The look in her eyes transmitted the essence of her thoughts. And so, preventing her from stepping away, he added.

"Wait. It is not... I did not mean... Haaah... I..."


"... May I... Embrace you?"

"!!!!????" — Scandalized she recoiled, eyes wide open. — 'WHAT?! "MAY I", WHAT?!?!'

"Ah, Lady..... !!... Wait, I didn't–" — Seeing the deep red invade her the Prince realised.

'I-I-I may have let you french kiss me b-but! I-I... I w-w-wouldn't let you do THAT!! (?) Marriage!! Anne can only do THAT after Marriage!!! Huwuh?!?!' – "n...!"