Chapter 214

"... The Lady dislikes being the Ninth...?"

Dioclecià dishearteningly said with a low voice, stunned at the conclusion the young boy got from her words.

[ No. I am honoured to be the Ninth, little Prince. ]

The woman then delayed, vastly honest in her beliefs.

"...?" — Confused, his concerned expression pondered on the seemingly complicated meaning of her scripts. — "But you said..."

[ I dislike being addressed like that. ]

"Oh... Why is that? I do not understand my Lady... If you are honoured why do you not like it???"

The child struggled to comprehend the woman. For him, it appeared to be the same as not being pleased with her Title and his countenance demonstrated his strive to understand it.

Finding the adorable sight entertaining, she softly let out a whiff of air in a chuckle and followed to explain her meanings to the pure child.