Chapter 217 — For Tomorrow's Piece.

His elation refused to cease.

No bite was allowed in his mouth as anticipation for the timely hour in the night kept roaming his psyche.

'Bless those sessions... My fair Lady waiting for me... In pure sleeping gowns...'

Zeleskiaz contemplated as his eyes observed the elegant fork empty of bite.

"... Sweets... My Lady likes them..."

'It may be the reason behind... Her flesh's flavour...' — Lustful, he thought. Only to pause before continuing.

"... I should investigate what she cannot indulge in."

A faint frown came down his countenance. 

The image of her trembling disturbed his peace for a moment, causing him to stand as he stated his new intentions pertaining to any of her sufferings.

"She shall not ail again. I will not permit it." — He declared.