Chapter 221


'... My Husband...'

"... Madame? Do we–"

"I'll answer myself."

"Ah, Madame your gown..."

One of her servants commenced, startled for the Duchess was in the middle of preparations for the event. Nonetheless, Elenaide stood from her seat to welcome her husband who she longed for deeply.


Her door opened, finding the kind man who took her as partner years ago.

Clean in appearance and handsome with his admirable stance stood the Duke outside, outstandingly proper as the great man of the Empire he is.

'... My Husband...' — She repeated, moved by her sights.

"!... Wife... I suppose it is not a good time..." — Orland gentlemanly told her as he noticed her appearance of a Lady in polishing.

"No... I... Husband, it is good to see you." — Fixing the silky thin peignoir, she gracefully greeted him giving a step back in a gesture to invite him to step inside.