Chapter 254


Her eyes were too intensely watching us... Fascinated, at that.

The beam of those eyes was somehow frightening, more so while covering her mouth.

"... My Lady..."

'... S–She won't cry... will she?' — I asked Anne, sure that she would since her eyes were already teary.


'Oh gosh... Please... no snot, Paige... I'll put up with the tears but if there is snot, I won't be able to take it...' — Closing our eyes at the prelude her low stutter signified, I begged my maid friend for a bit of mercy.

"What dance is that, my lady!?"


"My lady! Those steps, where did you learn those from?? You appear to be enjoying yourself!" — With energy, Paige asked making her eyes shine wider with curiosity. — "Has the garments I have chosen today satisfied your tastes, my lady? Is that–... Is that why my Ladyship's essence seems vibrant today?"