Chapter 261 — Back where the Foreign was Welcomed.

Deciding to ignore each other, the old friends then halted their fight of glares trying to think of a topic to break the silence their stroll had instilled by the respectful mute child's grace.

Childish rivalry had started even before meeting the young Lady on this day. Hence, both had held resentment at the menaces they had thrown at each other before she appeared.

— When she comes to stay here, I'll make it so she avoids you every da*n time! Heed my words, Maurice. —

— Hah! You'll be surprised at how the child will ask you later to take her to see her favourite Uncle Frois! Heed my words, Ar*ehole! —

However, even when the rage and the intent to converse with the child was as vivid, their time was cut short as soon as the corridor was crossed arriving at the elegantly guarded by rows of knights Main Hall of the Palace, where not only her sister Theressa awaited, but also the bodyguards they had assigned to each.