Chapter 264

The Crown Prince followed to enter the carriage, halting at the door to watch the Lady seating comfortably.

'Hm? What is it now?' — Marianne thought at the man frozen in place that glimpsed her up and down in apparent ponder.

'Is something out of place?? I'm not flashing you am I?' — She thought, also looking down at herself.

"... My Lady, could you make space for me next to you?"

'Huh??? There's space right there, though?'


Giving a glance at the seat opposite to hers, she then tilted her head to show the man that space was not a problem. Ignoring the man's intention.

"I do not wish to seat there."

'... Are you a kid?? Sigh... Okay, I'll seat there... Kid Prince–' — The foreigner thought in naivety, standing only to be stopped immediately in her motion.

"I will not seat across you, my Lady."

'...oh..... Ooooh, that's... That's what you meant...'