Chapter 299

At first, I couldn't tell. More like... I couldn't believe my ears. 

"The song you were humming… I had not heard it before."

But as soon as I turned… And I saw the man coming closer... there was no other that could have such a nice and handsome voice other than him… Who I've been hating only to not feel sad. 

'..... It's good I cannot talk…'

I feel like my heart wouldn't let a word come out even if I could.

He was already close enough. Close enough for his hand to reach mine that now was fidgeting with the other because I didn't know what to do at his unexpected visit. 

"I am sorry, my Lady…" — He said, taking my fingers in his palm, sweetly, delicately. — "I didn't… I didn't announce my visit… Since my anticipation took the best of me."

'ah… D*mn it… I… I left my notes with my tools…' — Overwhelmed to feel his touch, I couldn't take my eyes off of our hands. 

And I saw it all… How as he spoke next…