Chapter 301


'Why at this time Vitor…' — The man who had slipped her hands frowned as he heard the knight speak to the woman. 

'The time I asked for… It's not over yet…!'

Pained to think he should still be in front of her, feeling the softness of a beloved lady's body, welcoming his kisses sweetly like she would with no other... Zeleskiaz leaned heated against a wide trunk of the Forest barely managing to hide his presence as the race of her touch and taste continued to reverberate through his core. 

His way to the lady had been planned. For no day had gone by… Without his gaze taking a peek at her figure ever since he returned her to the duchy. 

'I held back many times… Much more after that divine night my love kissed me so preciously….. Vitor… This is a felony you have committed.'