Chapter 308 — Paulos.


The carriage that should contain the woman arrived. Empty of her. Only with the parent who had planned this outcome even before departing the Royal Palace. 

"Thomas, take the luggage inside and don't worry about the carriages–"

"Where is Marianne?" 

"... A greeting comes first son. Good afternoon, it is wonderful to see you welcoming me." 

"..... Good afternoon." 

"Go on, Thomas." 

"Yes, my Lord." 

"So. Have the matters of the duchy snatched away your rest again, son? I can see that, once more, you haven't slept properly in my absence." 

"... The duchy's matters are doing fine. May I ask now why I cannot see my sister anywhere?" 

"Oh! Yes, that's right. I had planned of mentioning it during dinner since the family should learn about it together." 

"... Can I not hear it now?"