Chapter 311


"Madame." — Along with the knock on her lounge's door, the call of a servant arrived. 

"Come in." — The woman told the servant, maintaining composure as she was aware of the news they might announce. 

"His Grace has arrived. I was told he wishes to meet you and will come to the place you are at."

"... Tell him I will be here."

"Yes, Madame." 

Brief was the interaction, yet strong was the effect it took on the awaiting Duchess. The embroidery she had been working on to distract her lonely days when distress was continuously drowning her, as the son she could no longer recognise and the now quiet youngest daughter stayed under the same roof, was not able to be resumed as blush commenced to emerge in her cheeks. Those that had left youth behind yet looked innocent at the thought of her husband's arrival.