Chapter 355

Silence proceeded his tease, while a proud prince condemned him with a gaze Francois knew well was not taking him seriously.

"A man in need should be able to say 'please' to a wise father. Am I wrong?"

"You are. I am not in need."

"Oh? And is it proof of such that you are before myself… the Emperor and father you look down upon… asking for 'explanations' or may as well say… looking for guidance?"

"... You like to talk a tad too much. I thought it would please your bore. I shall ask the lady herself."

"Wait! You madman! How can you inquire from the person herself how you are to behave??!? And it is no less to charm her! Do I have an idiot as an heir!?"

"Stop dramatizing. It's unbecoming."

"Goodness, my… Haaa, come seat already. I cannot bear this any longer. I don't want to even imagine how you have interacted with that poor girl until now…"