Chapter 358

The hand of the Prince took hers offering his limb to walk the lady. And even though Theressa's demeanour became downcast, keeping her composure barely in line before the man... made Marianne hesitate. Yet, her hand eventually allowed itself to accept his offer, glancing at the younger sibling to slide her hand and take her limb so she would walk alongside her.

'Don't stay depressed. Keep acting shamelessly... at least to hide it.' — The child secretly told her sibling, displeased with having to aid her even while aware her intentions were underhanded.

"!... Ah, Sister Marianne are we going together?"

'Urgh... Don't try acting cute, though. It doesn't have the effect it miraculously had one time.' — Already uncomfortable by the easy change in Theressa after linking arms with her, Marianne felt immediate regret; for the sibling was adamant on taking advantage, even if appreciative of the child's care…